I dreamed that God would be forgiving.
I find it to be the norm, myself. What I also find annoying is having a party and preparing a "strict vegetarian meal/buffet for people who eat a vegan diet" and rather than simply enjoying it, my veg* guests rant on at the stupidity of their other friends/family who can't do the same thing.
Every veg*n forum I've ever been a part of or have read has been full of this.
One Thanksgiving, I had prepared a big vegan meal. There were about twenty of us around the table, and other than I, there was only one other veg*n. She spent the entire meal lecturing the rest of the guests about how self centered they were for eating meat when they could always eat like this. I couldn't get her to shut up. She did this while wearing leather pants.
That's interesting. I wouldn't have said that of my own experience, I guess I wouldn't have interpreted people ranting/complaining/etc about other people eating meat as self-congratulation. Although I see what you mean, now that you've said it, but I've never seen it that way. I don't like it, but I see it more as angst/lack of manners than patting themselves on that back.
Although, tbf, the vegans and vegetarians I've met in real life are nothing like that (although online groups, definitely tend to be) - admittedly though, most of the vegetarians/vegans I know are young people and I met them via social groups rather than AR groups, so I think the demographic isn't all that representative - out of about 20 (trying to count now!) vegans I have met IRL, only one or two would have possibly ranted/lectured in a meal type situation. (It's harder to count for vegetarians, but at a guess, I'd say it was a similar amount).