Second night in a row of bad sleep. Bah.
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I did make it through but I was terribly cranky and whiny. Luckily my office-mates are used to my whacky personality and can humor me.
Sorry about your headache. I hate when we like certain food/drink that doesn't agree with us. It's not fair, lol.
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Second night in a row of bad sleep. Bah.
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This, again. Bed at 10:30, wide awake at 3:30. Been lying here for two hours and I can't take it anymore. Guess I'll get up.
That's because you only have sweet Shyva to contend with.You have far more patience than me. I usually get up after 10 minutes after waking.![]()
That's because you only have sweet Shyva to contend with.I have four maniacal cats, lol. If I get up, all bets are off where they're concerned. I'm seriously considering getting one of those chamber pots from the 1800's so I don't have to deal with them when I get up to go to the bathroom!
Most nights I lock them out. They have become unbearable and I wouldn't even get my 4-5 hours if I let stay with me. Joon and Ben are the only ones who semi behave at night. Believe it or not, Stella is the worst. Maybe because she is the youngest at two years old.
I have a bad habit of playing games on the iPad while lying in bed, and I've read about the blue light issue before. I really need to break that habit.
I guess the party's over. Third bad night in a row.![]()
Not that I can think of. This has been going on and off for so many years, now, I feel like I know all of the dos and don', literally everything. I could write a book on how to get a good night's sleep, only I can't practice what I preach, lol.Did anything happen that might have disturbed your sleep pattern ?