

Forum Legend
Feb 24, 2021
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  1. Vegan
I recently started doing a lot more shopping at Aldi's. I've been reading the labels and have noticed a big difference between the American made Aldi products, and the German made Aldi products. The American made products have a long list of unpronounceable ingredients, and German ones have 4 or 5 regular ingredients.

But the biggest difference is the sugar. I bought some German made spice cookies, and speculoos. I could taste that they had a lot less sugar. Tasty, but definitely less sugar. I've seen videos of Europeans stunned by how sweet our cookies are.

I just bought a German made apple strudel. Way different from our strudels. Just from the taste, it had about 50% less sugar. Just a hint of sweet.

Why are we putting so much sugar in everything?
I just came from Aldi. I know just what you mean-and I love that apple strudel
It's my #1 place for most things because I love the simplicity.
I got the big container of spring salad greens, olives, love their dressings.
Get all my dried beans there. pasta, sauce, their triscuit type crackers, salsa, corn tortillas, all their non dairy milks, dates
I get most produce from a produce market.
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