No worries, we like what we like.I started to comment when I looked at it, but thought it would be rude so I deleted. I never bake over 350 F. Adding artichokes seemed kinda wasteful to me, and too much other stuff to vwg.
I don't really care for using pureed beans in seitan, I used to
Now that I think of it, my other baked seitan dishes are always 350. Hmm, something to think about. Maybe I will try it at 375 next time.
I just sliced it into individual servings for freezing and I got eight total, including what I ate tonight. I will take a serving to Easter dinner at my mom's tomorrow, with some gravy and cranberry sauce. Mom is making sides, and they will be vegan, so I'll have plenty to eat. They are having ham, of course. I never liked ham in my pre-veg*n days.
I'm going to try it again, maybe next week, after I finish what's in the fridge (two more servings, I think).