Sauerkraut cooked in white wine with air fried soya curls, potatoes and Dijon mustard.
Apple puree.
Apple puree.
Dr Greger highly approves of the blue/purple potatoes! He doesn't even recommend regular ones, just the purple/blue and sweet potatoes
I had the blue or purple potatoes in my organic fruit and veg delivery. This was years ago, but I remember I made soup and it felt weird eating blue soup!![]()
That's the usual sale price here too for russets. The gold or red are more like 2.50 for 5 lbsI would love to eat purple or blue or even sweet potatoes all the time however the cost difference is just too much to stomach (hehe get it?) - I have been able to get 10lb of potatoes for $2 and at the most $5 and for that same money would only get a few purple or blue. Thank you everyone for your feedback on your fav potatoes - so interesting.
Last night I made my gussied up rice in the cooker, steamed some brussel sprouts and had Yves Chkn nuggets with sweet chili sauce.
Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.
I'm very impressed with the contents of your fridge!I threw together a "Everything That Was in the Fridge" bean soup - turnip, parsnip, carrots, onions, celery, beets, sweet potato, yellow potato, leftover russet potato, ginger, a can of whole roma tomatoes that I sliced in half while in the can, a can of chick peas undrained, a can of romano beans rinsed, lots of spices including fennel seeds - it was delicious and I have lots left - some of those veggies had been in the fridge for a long time and I was really happy that they were all good... oh and a zucchini too.
Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.
I'm very impressed with the contents of your fridge!I can't remember what turnips even taste like, and a long time since eating parsnips!
What made you think to use the chickpeas undrained and not romano? I have to look up romano beans
Edit: I know romano beans! I grew up them, mostly as a cold salad with potatoes and vinigrette. I never see them anymore
Curious, I found this for Romano beans, but appartently they're the same? I can't find if these are the dried beans from the fresh plant?I bought the turnips and a rutabaga for Christmas dinner as I usually combine them all for a root vegetable mash with sweet potato, carrots, parsnip, squash however I did not cook the dinner and so they have been sitting there. I still have a rutabaga and another turnip.
I didn't wish to have two undrained cans, just the one, and I chose the chick peas because.... aqua faba is so famous.... for a bit of thickening.
Apparently romano beans make a great hummus and so I am going to try them soon as I find trying to make hummus from canned chick peas doesn't result in a terribly smooth mixture and romano beans might be better and smoother. There are some simple recipes out there for this.
Last night we had the rest of this soup and I added some water and some frozen peas/corn/carrots/lima beans and some green beans. Lots of plain croutons and a drizzle of tahini and some hot sauce.
btw @shyvas - I learned a short time ago that heating up sauerkraut destroys the probiotics so now I just leave it out at room temperature or, according to google, you can heat it very gently up to 46 C (115 F).
Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.