No effin' whey!
Might give this a try, finally:
That sounds so delicious. If you do try it, please let us know how it came out!Might give this a try, finally:
I just had some pizza(again) with some Vegusto on top.....the garlic I should have fried a bit before putting on pizza...must try harder next time.
I take the green thing out of middle of the garlic clove, discard it, and then dice the rest and sautee for just a little bit after the onions are soft.I thought I could add the garlic to the onions at the end of the onion fry, so they just get cooked a bit.....maybe I should purée them...maybe I should buy garlic purée.
I take the green thing out of middle of the garlic clove, discard it, and then dice the rest and sautee for just a little bit after the onions are soft.
I thought I could add the garlic to the onions at the end of the onion fry, so they just get cooked a bit.....maybe I should purée them...maybe I should buy garlic purée.