The Cat Lovers Thread

From SPb museum of cats (where alive cats live as well),- Liza and Elijah had been there before the baby was born.






There were also statues of famous Kazan' cats. Like i said, in Kazan' they have this cat thing, because long ago the russian emperor Catherine II ordered to deliver cats from Kazan' to SPb, as she'd heard that "kazanskiye koty" are "the best in catching mice", and are also "of significant size and strength". We still have a tradition: dozens of special honored cats are kept in State Hermitage museum, because mice are always responsible for the big part of damage to the old paintings, mummies, clothings, etc. And these so-called "aermitazhnyiye koty" (Hermitage cats) are doing their job much better than any sophisticated modern mice traps.:p
This past Monday was the 24th anniversary of adopting my cat Riley. He was an adult when I took him in from someone who couldn't keep him anymore, but I wish we'd had more than 7-1/2 years together.

He was a VERY photogenic, laid-back cat. I could always count on him to jump up on the counter next to me and bug me for attention whenever I was talking on the phone. I remember the wrestling matches he had with his buddy Phil, which would start when they were licking/grooming each other: each wanted to do the licking rather than be licked, so one of them would eventually get the other in a sort of headlock while he groomed the other's head. The other one would break out of the headlock, they would glare at each other with tails thumping, and it would be SMACKDOWN TIME. Some time later, they'd be laying next to each other.
This past Monday was the 24th anniversary of adopting my cat Riley. He was an adult when I took him in from someone who couldn't keep him anymore, but I wish we'd had more than 7-1/2 years together.

He was a VERY photogenic, laid-back cat. I could always count on him to jump up on the counter next to me and bug me for attention whenever I was talking on the phone. I remember the wrestling matches he had with his buddy Phil, which would start when they were licking/grooming each other: each wanted to do the licking rather than be licked, so one of them would eventually get the other in a sort of headlock while he groomed the other's head. The other one would break out of the headlock, they would glare at each other with tails thumping, and it would be SMACKDOWN TIME. Some time later, they'd be laying next to each other.

Haha, this is Bratt and Joon. They are siblings. Bratt always ends up winning these matches, though. He’s such a bully. Poor Joon puts up with a lot but it’s just her personality. She rarely fights back. She’s like the whiny child, always the victim, like, “mom! Bratt’s bothering me!” Lol
Does anyone else distrust people who don't like cats? Whenever someone loudly declares that they hate cats, I just sort of look at them sideways... like...o_O hmm... I'm not so sure that I can trust your opinion on anything!
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Does anyone else distrust people who don't like cats? Whenever someone loudly declares that they hate cats, I just sort of look at them sideways... like...o_O hmm... I'm not so sure that I can trust your opinion on anything!

Somebody once told me that they liked kittens, but they didn’t like cats. I said it’s the same animal, only bigger. They said kittens were fun, but adult cats were boring because all they did was sleep. I said you’re supposed to play with cats if you want to get some fun out of them. They said doing that was “too much work”. :rolleyes:
Does anyone else distrust people who don't like cats? Whenever someone loudly declares that they hate cats, I just sort of look at them sideways... like...o_O hmm... I'm not so sure that I can trust your opinion on anything!

This is what my pal and I were discussing yesterday. She is selling her flat and a lady entered the door to visit the former. My pal has two gorgeous dogs (not cats but it's usually the same sort of people who dislike pets) who automatically greet any visitors by wagging their tales and expecting a huge pat. She brushed them away in aghast, stating that she didn't like them !! :(
Needless to say that my pal didn't take to her and neither did I, despite having not met her.:rolleyes:
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Well, I have to admit I don't like some cats and dogs- specifically, when they hunt other animals. I like rodents and birds too (while still acknowledging that rodents can be a serious hazard if they come into your house- they can be disease vectors, and are thought to have started at least some house fires by gnawing on wiring.) I just don't care much for predators in general. And I can understand why some people might fear dogs if they haven't learned to read a dog's body language, and might worry about being bitten.

Hmmm... this post probably belongs in the "unpopular opinions" thread. :devil:
I think most people who say they don’t like cats just don’t really know them. Cats are widely misundstood and have had the reputation of being cold, aloof and indepedent. My four cats couldn’t be further from that notion. They are almost too emotionally needy and dependent on me. I know several people who thought they didn’t like cats and then unexpectedly became a “cat owner” they can’t see how they ever lived without them.

And there is also the “fear factor”. I have one close friend who had a bad experience and now has a phobia. She won’t come into my house, at all, even if the cats are locked in another room.

Sometimes, when you don’t grow up in a home with pets, you just become indifferent to them.

Unless we are talking about some psychopath, who literally hates cats and wants to see them come to harm...I would hope there aren’t too many of those kinds of people out there. I definitely wouldn’t trust someone like that. :no:
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