The Cat Lovers Thread

Originally my wife started to take piano lessons when we were living in Malaysia (where we got the Piano), but now mainly my son is actively playing it. I also tried it a bit, and was surprised that after 30+ years since my last piano lessons, something came back, but still, not enough to start again...

Piano is the favourite of music schools everywhere, Yamaha U3, made in the 1960's according to the serial number, but looks like it was still new.
That's great!:) We gotta make an improvised jam session together.:p
Welcome our latest family member, « Alaska »!

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Alaska is "kind of" a rescue ... She was living with a good friend of us (who got her from a breeder), but her son is now out of the house and studying abroad, and she has to often leave on extended business trips to Asia.

While an employee of her company then daily visits the house to feed the cat and clean the kitty litter, this is of course not optimal for a cat. So when we moved to our new house, our friend asked us whether we would be ready to give Alaska a new home with more human interaction, and we happily agreed. She is an indoor cat (although she longingly looks out of the window and tries to convince us to open the terrace door for her).

She is still a bit shy and not used to living in a household full of noisy humans.

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Of course she knows that having a good view of the surroundings is very important!

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Oh yay! Very cool!
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Question for experienced INDOOR CAT COMPANIONS ...

What might be wrong with this picture?


Yeah ... we had a scare on Sunday.

Seems that our dear "Alaska" is now confident enough around us to come close to us, cuddle with us, and ... dart past us if we open the terrace door without paying enough attention.

And, as she is still new to our house, does not yet come when we call her, reacts unfavourably to attempts to grab her, we were a bit at our wits' end. Especially as she had just enjoyed a good breakfast and a good nights sleep, so she was ready for adventuring on her own.

After about 2 hours of following her around in the garden (which is unfortunately not "cat-proof" due to some openings to our neighbours' gardens, trying to deter her from entering the small wood (unfortunately with a highway in close distance) behind our garden, and also from venturing to the residential roads that surround the area, I finally managed to trap her in the garden shed and escort her back to the house.

Now, she is of course moaning and begging for another chance to continue her outing, but that would likely not be a good idea, until she has accepted our house and we have a method to call her that she listens to.
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@Andy_T I'm glad you managed to get her back inside. Do you think she'd mind going out on a leash? My parents got a leash and harness for their last cat, but she never cared for it and I wound up using it for my rabbit.
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