The Cat Lovers Thread

This is Little D. His family lost their home and had to move in with other family and couldn’t take him. My friend and coworker took him in until his family can find permanent housing. It’s been several months now and he went from hiding out in the basement to taking over my friend’s house. He even bosses around her two huge dogs...standard poodle and labradoodle. I’m so happy for him.
A few years ago, a fierce winter storm caused irreparable damage to the heating system in my mother's house. She did not have the means to repair it and opted to place her house on the market the following Spring. In the interim, that left her couch surfing at my condo for several months and we were concerned with how to keep her 4 cats together until she could find permanent lodging. I posted all over social media, looking for anyone with a spare room, finished basement, heated garage or similar where the cats could board for a few months. Amazingly, the father of one of my childhood friends volunteered a room in his basement for the duration. He is a cat person so he visited with them during the week and my mum drove up on weekends to change their litter boxes and refill their cat feeders. Once her house finally sold and she closed on her new condo, the cats were able to settle back in with her in their new, permanent home. Two of the four cats have since passed away, but we will be FOREVER grateful of that act of generosity that kept them out of the shelter and allowed them to live out their days with family. Your coworker's gesture warms my heart and touches me on a deep emotional level. Someday I hope to be in a position to pay it forward.
Thanks for that, GingerFox. I showed your post to my friend/coworker and it made her day. She’s been struggling so much lately with personal issues/loss.
That’s kind of crazy! I wonder what the issue is. I would be curious to see if she put a piece of carpet down if she would still jump over it. Like, is it the “kitchen” or something with the floor, which looks the same as the floor in the adjoining room. And what about the opposite direction?
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They say one out of three cats is a total ham.... :p


Has anyone had to give a cat an inhalor for asthma? Dana was diagnosed, and of all my cats she's the hardest to adapt to anything! That was the reason I got her to foster- to help socialize and mellow her out. It was ridiculously hard to ease her out of the bedroom we used for fosters. It was hers!
She doesn't care enough for treats either, and it would be terribly hard considering just thinking about treats brings all 8 over! She hates to be carried so taking her into another room is probably out of the question
She'll have to do it on her own or it just won't work! She needs it twice a day

Bogart had chronic sinus infections and I used a nebulizer on him. He was one of those difficult cats who didn’t like to be picked up or held. Medicating him was always a challenge. Poor thing was front declawed too, when I got him, and it made him very hissy and irritable.
I wonder if you could do something like this? I don’t know the difference between a nebulizer and an inhaler, but both dispense medication and nebulizing is way easier, especially for a difficult cat.

I did something similar with Bogart.

This looks pretty cool...
That's a pretty terrible video! I watched two from people who actually have to use it on their cat, they both explain very well how they gradually trained their cat to adapt to using it, to the point where the cat does it willingly. In their cases, and mine, it needs to be used twice daily for about 7 inhalations.
I also question the vet, because fluticasone is not a rescue inhalor, but an inhaled corticosteriod. It's a maintenance inhaler that will not be effective for a sudden attack

I wonder if you could do something like this? I don’t know the difference between a nebulizer and an inhaler, but both dispense medication and nebulizing is way easier, especially for a difficult cat.

I did something similar with Bogart.

Hmmm. That does seem way easier- except for the getting Dana in a carrier part. I wasn't given that option. I'd imagine the unit would be very expensive. The Aerokat chamber was something like $80 by itself! That's just a plastic tube!
When I've been given a nebulizer treatment I breath in through mouthpiece, exhaling through my nose. I can't imagine you'd get the full benefit with it being in the air-it doesn't really get fully vaporized
Oops, sorry...don’t know much about asthma and cat inhalers so have nothing to compare it to, other than my experience with Bogart. And he didn’t require was just the steam which helped relieve some of the congestion.

I hope you figure it out. Nothing worse than trying to help an uncooperative animal.
Oops, sorry...don’t know much about asthma and cat inhalers so have nothing to compare it to, other than my experience with Bogart. And he didn’t require was just the steam which helped relieve some of the congestion.

I hope you figure it out. Nothing worse than trying to help an uncooperative animal.
Actually thank you! I think I needed any kind of support :) and appreciated your input!
Maybe I was stressing too much. My vet didn't say anything about preparing her, and I never thought about it. I ordered from an international pharmacy--
Canadian Pharmacy - Certified Online Canadian Drugstore
It was a bit of a hassle, with them calling me from "unknown number" and having to call my credit card to accept international charges, but it saved me a ton of money! It was the same price as I'd pay using my insurance. I've actually used the same inhaler!

Anyway, Dana sits next to me a lot, so I just kinda played with the mouthpiece by her. Just now I figured I'd try the whole thing and she let me! :jump:. She took it like it was 'no big deal' :smitten:

I guess I was really worried about needing to use the treat system as that would NOT work! Cali needs lysine treats for her herpes eyes (?), and she won't eat them if someone else gets them! Mimi comes running even if just think about getting them! Luckily Mimi likes Mimi time alone in my bedroom, so I work it around that. She is a very sensitive kitty!