Another 2 1/2 hours before lockdown. I went to the local
Lidl's to get some food as I'm planning not to go
to the shops for the next week or two. There were already huge crowds and nobody was respecting the 1 metre distance
and obviously not queueing in line. They were only letting 10 people in at a time and all the check out tills were not open.
I was surprised to see lots of fresh produce but many other items were already sold out. I managed to buy wine so that's
My neighbour is printing me out some forms to be signed as the army and police will be stopping people who are outside. You need to
prove that you have either a medical appointment, are going to work or out for a short walk in the neighbourhood.
Happily I have 3 friendly and helpful neighbours that I can rely on.
I'm off to the shrub land to stock up with fresh thyme and come back to stay put. I will not be seeing anyone unless I see
neighbours on my daily walks.
As I'm running out of wheat gluten, I was planning to order some but have just received an e mail stating that the delay is 2 weeks
due to shortage of staff. Oh well, I have lots of tofu in the fridge........not my favourite food but who's complaining ? I have coffee to
last me a week and enough wine, vegetables and fruit.
Everybody looked gloomy and unhappy.
My main concern is if the virus takes over, we are not equipped with enough ventilators, staff and necessary hospital care. So it's a bit
like 'fingers crossed'.