Health Issues The Everything Covid 19 Thread

I have a good supply of cat food. Litter not so much. I think I have a large bag of yesterday’s news and the cedar stuff at my daughters’s with our other household/furniture items that we are storing in her basement. I sent it there because I wasn’t using it anymore, having switched to the clumping kind. But I guess it will be good in a pinch. We have the septic inspection on the house today so I can probably go get the litter after that.
I’m becoming a little more stressed out. Was doing quite well until now. Cuomo said in his press conference that local governments should reduce non essential staff to 50%. Since I’m retiring end of the week I offered myself up for the chopping block so looks like I might be done starting today. I was going to go back part time until I moved. Not sure that will work out now.

Being a Health Department we’re technically considered essential, but they don’t need all of us. I think only 6-7 from our department will stay home. The rest will come from other departments like the historians, Cornell cooperative. Some of them May also be able to work from home.
This is getting a little nerve wracking. Just got an email from my healthcare provider. All kinds of changes now in how people are being seen/treated. Most elective/non emergency/routine services are being cancelled. And so it begins.
Another 2 1/2 hours before lockdown. I went to the local Lidl's to get some food as I'm planning not to go
to the shops for the next week or two. There were already huge crowds and nobody was respecting the 1 metre distance
and obviously not queueing in line. They were only letting 10 people in at a time and all the check out tills were not open.

I was surprised to see lots of fresh produce but many other items were already sold out. I managed to buy wine so that's

My neighbour is printing me out some forms to be signed as the army and police will be stopping people who are outside. You need to
prove that you have either a medical appointment, are going to work or out for a short walk in the neighbourhood.
Happily I have 3 friendly and helpful neighbours that I can rely on. :)

I'm off to the shrub land to stock up with fresh thyme and come back to stay put. I will not be seeing anyone unless I see
neighbours on my daily walks.

As I'm running out of wheat gluten, I was planning to order some but have just received an e mail stating that the delay is 2 weeks
due to shortage of staff. Oh well, I have lots of tofu in the fridge........not my favourite food but who's complaining ? I have coffee to
last me a week and enough wine, vegetables and fruit.

Everybody looked gloomy and unhappy.

My main concern is if the virus takes over, we are not equipped with enough ventilators, staff and necessary hospital care. So it's a bit
like 'fingers crossed'. :confused:
I have a phone appt with an RN tomorrow morning. I was in the medical office building today for Hydration and to pick up a prescription. I hope they can check my records and see who had contact with me. I may have infected them.

Darn. Starting tomorrow all my appts are on the phone. Today was the last (for a while) that I saw anyone in person.

I would advise you to call your health care provider. It may not be anything serious as there are many bugs that also cause
a high temperature. I was also very ill all day long Sunday but it only lasted 24 hours.

Take care. 💖
Nobody at my work said anything either. No alcohol wipes are provided, no gloves. The hand sanitizer dispenser was taken down in the remodel and not put back. One of my co-workers brought a bottle of hand sanitizer for us cashiers. One of my customers asked if we had any wipes or hand sanitizer for the customers and I had to say no. :(

That's appalling and moreover seniors should not be shopping unless it's for medication or food. They are the ones that are most vulnerable.
That's appalling and moreover seniors should not be shopping unless it's for medication or food. They are the ones that are most vulnerable.
The wipes that we have are non-alcohol so I don't know if they do anything at all. I was actually expecting it to be less busy but you know people have to have what they have to have! As for seniors staying home, quite a few of my co-workers are seniors like myself. I am not a cashier again until next Monday. I do wish I would not be scheduled for that job because that is where you see the most people. I am in the stockroom today, then the office at the end of the week.
As far as the pet supplies go, I got another bag of dry food and litter. The canned food was picked over badly at Walmart Market. I was a bit surprised that the litter was rather sparse but at least people are thinking of their pets.
The wipes that we have are non-alcohol so I don't know if they do anything at all. I was actually expecting it to be less busy but you know people have to have what they have to have! As for seniors staying home, quite a few of my co-workers are seniors like myself. I am not a cashier again until next Monday. I do wish I would not be scheduled for that job because that is where you see the most people. I am in the stockroom today, then the office at the end of the week.
As far as the pet supplies go, I got another bag of dry food and litter. The canned food was picked over badly at Walmart Market. I was a bit surprised that the litter was rather sparse but at least people are thinking of their pets.

Wipes have to contain a high concentrate of alcohol or soap to be effective. Working and shopping is not the same thing.
I have a phone appt with an RN tomorrow morning. I was in the medical office building today for Hydration and to pick up a prescription. I hope they can check my records and see who had contact with me. I may have infected them.

Darn. Starting tomorrow all my appts are on the phone. Today was the last (for a while) that I saw anyone in person.
It's highly unlikely that you have it. But you might have caught a seasonal flu variety, because flu is very spreadable, compared to covid (its capsid weighs less and can fly to a bigger distance). We have an epidemy of flu here,- some schools had been closed for quarantine of flu long before they were closed as a preventive measure for covid. If you haven't been vacinated against flu, you'll probably need a "symthomatic therapy", to reduce the impact of flu on your immune system. (I had a fierce flu strain last year, and i didn't like the consequences, despite that i have strong immune system in general, and i'm not 60 yet. If i'd had a chance to stay home while being sick, i would have probably avoided the complications). ...So please try to sleep well, and to support your immune system with remedies that are available. It's probably just flu that you're having now, but new flu strains (this year as well) are pretty dangerous and are capable of making a damage to your DNA.
Take care.:hug:
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It's highly unlikely that you have it. But you might have caught a seasonal flu variety, because flu is very spreadable, compared to covid (its capsid weighs less and can fly to a bigger distance). We have an epidemy of flu here,- some schools had been closed for quarantine of flu long before they were closed as a preventive measure for covid. If you haven't been vacinated against flu, you'll probably need a "symthomatic therapy", to reduce the impact of flu on your immune system. (I had a fierce flu strain last year, and i didn't like the consequences, despite that i have strong immune system in general, and i'm not 60 yet. If i'd had a chance to stay home while being sick, i would have probably avoided the complications). ...So please try to sleep well, and to support your immune system with remedies that are available. It's probably just flu that you're having now, but new flu strains (this year as well) are pretty dangerous and are capable of making a damage to your DNA.
Take care.:hug:

i have had a flu shot.
there were 23 new covid cases reported in my county yesterday, And we are still without testing kits. so I'm sure the real number is higher. and the mildest cases probably don't even see a doctor.
flu cases in this county have been declining. and they don't have stats on total cases - just hospitalized
but the good news is that my temp is going down. 98.8
feel better @Lou!

Local grocery stores here are getting kinda crazy. I bulked up my emergency food supply 3 weeks ago, feeling a little smug about that :yum
I started early too. I don’t feel like I over did it though but I’m glad I got what I did. I did not capitalize on the toilet paper craze though. Wish I did better with that. 😊
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We have so many mouths to feed here - the nonhuman members of the household are the ones that worry me.

I know from the other board I frequent that vets are closing. That's a worry.

Our county library system closed overnight, effective immediately.

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