The Rabbit Thread

This might be a repeat but I love it.
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Between us, my rabbits and I almost annihilated all the edible weeds in my yard...

I found out that crabgrass is perfectly suitable food for grass-eating animals. So was the grass (red top) and clover growing there. But they favored broadleaf weeds like dandelion and plantain, as well as violet. (Of course, I gave them a ration of pellets each day too. They liked those best of all, and it was a way to make sure they had enough variety in their diet.) I favored lamb's-quarters, myself, but shared those with the buns as well.

My first rabbit Sony had a thing for dandelion flower stalks. She'd start at the bottom and eat it like spaghetti, ending with the flower disappearing into her mouth. If it was all fuzzy, she'd let that part drop. I once tried a flower stalk to see how it tasted, but haven't figured out what the attraction was for her...
:eek:That rabbit is freaky looking.:rofl:
That giant rabbit photo that KLS52 posted on April 13th... it's photoshopped, isn't it? I mean, he looks big enough to put a saddle on. I don't know my rabbit breeds that well, because when I took in my three I just adopted whomever was in the shelter and didn't pay that much attention to their breed. I thought about what their breed might have been later, but only out of curiosity; Hans was at least part mini-Rex judging from his fur texture and size, while Franz showed Dutch heritage, but I haven't figured out what breed Sony was. I know they vary in size, and for some reason the smaller breeds tend to live longer than the larger ones.
I adopted two young house rabbits just under a month ago. They are about 3 1/2 months old now, sisters. Their pregnant mother was in foster with a local shelter and gave birth to seven babies. When I was there selecting my girls, almost all the brothers were all off being neutered. One of mine is white with tan ears and nose and pink eyes. She has one lop ear and one that stays up, so she always has a quizzical expression. Her sister, who is a fair bit smaller than her, is solid grey. When they are done growing, they will be cat-sized. They are already larger than my smallest cat, who weighs 6lbs. I named the white one Morgan and the grey one Winter.
I have two cardboard carriers with old towels in them that I keep in the rabbits' room. Morgan decided to climb up on them and play Jack in the Box last night, so I accompanied her with a rendition of Pop Goes the Weasel, substituted "monkey" and "weasel" for "Morgan" and "Winter".

Also, I wonder if they know how spoiled they are. They get salad twice a day with their hay and bunny kibble. Last night was kale, spinach and rainbow chard. Today, it's romaine, red cabbage and kale. They also occasionally get fruit scraps. I swear they eat better than I do most days. Not to mention I marvel at how they manage to eat as much salad as they do at their size. I think I have met my matches.
My friend stayed the night last night, so she could study in the peace of my condo, and visit with my pets. (She has none, because she lives in student housing.) I was out and about for a few hours, but when I got home, she informed me that one of the buns, probably Winter, stole her slipper and carried it into their pen to play with. ADORABLE!

My friend stayed the night last night, so she could study in the peace of my condo, and visit with my pets. (She has none, because she lives in student housing.) I was out and about for a few hours, but when I got home, she informed me that one of the buns, probably Winter, stole her slipper and carried it into their pen to play with. ADORABLE!

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They are absolutely gorgeous. There is something very special about rabbits.:smitten: