Okay so there is now a new bun as of yesterday.
I found her on Craigslist too, and this is her story:
She has been used for breeding her whole life. She is 5. The owner wanted to get rid of her as she was no longer in need of her. She wanted to trade her for another doe or sell her for 10 dollars. When I saw her I knew I was meant to get her, like she was another soulmate of mine.
I went out yesterday to get her and paid 10 dollars for her but I had to save her life. I thought about not getting her as I already got the other bunny earlier this week. But my gut told me that was a very bad idea, so I knew I had to listen to my gut. The right thing was to get her and for hr to be part of my life.
When I got there yesterday the owners kids were waiting outside. The lady didn't tell me she was going to send her kids to give the bunny to me. So it was awkward. And they were the most awkward kids ever. I got out of the car and I think the kid said hi and I did as well in return. Actually, I think his hi was a delayed hi. I don't remember. all I know is that this was the most awkward situation ever. After he said hi he and his sister, both probably around 13 silently stood there....... And then just started walking off to the bunny. I mean, it was weird. They grabbed her and put her in the carrier and that was it. I asked if they had any other bunnies to make it less awkward but that didn't help. she answered and then went silent. And I said bye but they both didn't, and then I walked off and left.
But they had no care for the bunny. You could tell by the way she was picked up. And they had zero emotion. There was nothing there. They were like aliens.
Maybe the mom is crazy religious and sucked all the life out of them. Idk, but my birth mom was like that and I could imagine her kids becoming that way due to being sheltered from Life and people and the world.
The bunny was so scared. I mean those people really didn't care about her. And I checked the bunny out and she has an eye infection to . Which she has had for several weeks as the ad on Craigslist was posted several weeks ago and you can tell she has it too in the photo. ALSO she isn't spayed. And she is five. So its possible that she could have things wrong with her reproductive systrm or even cancer. I mean its possible that she doesn't but it's very likely bunnies will get cancer in the reproductive system if they aren't spayed before 2. She is also very fat and has sore hocks.
She was never potty trained but she is picking up really well today on where to go. Yesterday she ignored the litter box and went in a corner but I took all her poops and put them in the box and put the litter box over the area where she went potty. I cleaned it up of course and then put the litter box over it. And I just got back home from work and she has only been going pee and poop in the box. So she has picked up on it
She is still very frightened. She has never been tamed or socialized.

she has only been a farm animal her whole life and never a pet.
But here are photos of her (the first three are ones from the Craigslist ad)
In the first photo you can kind of see something is wrong with her eye. Well the hair around it at least. Its like that because its all crusty and goopy. And in the last photo you can kind of see the infection a little.
Also, I need to name her. She looks like the season Fall because of the reddish brown she is. And if I have the second bunny's name be Calliope and then there's Luna.... Those are both goddess names and it would be nice to name this third one with a goddess name but I want one that also matches the season of Fall. Idk Idk, it doesn't have to be that, as long as I find a name that really fits her. What names does she look like that are is both a Goodness name and Fall related? Or both Goddess related and astronomy related?