NSFW The Trumpocalypse

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Imagine she ends up as the first woman president...

I'm so nervous that he is in that office. I feel like we will never get rid of them...the whole family. Hopefully it's just my anxiety in high gear. It's why I've been distancing myself from all things political. I can't handle it. :cry:
There were violent protesters where my cousin lives in Hamburg. They were breaking windows and destroying things in his neighborhood. A lot of the stuff on his FB page is in German and the translate function leaves much to be desired, so I'm not sure of everything that is going on.
I had no idea you had a cousin there! I hope he's OK.... :hug:
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As I said before, Twimp is putting the satire news sites out of business.

That article could come verbatim from CNN or NBC, other than that Spicers or Sanders' "real" statements would be even more ridiculous.
Trump wants to work with Putin to fight election hacking

Seems he got a lot of feedback from his party colleagues on the subject...

The article said:
The announcement stunned lawmakers from both parties, with Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham describing it as “pretty close” to the “dumbest idea I’ve ever heard.” Graham also blasted Trump for his continued refusal to acknowledge the Russian hacking campaign.

“He is literally the only person I know of who doesn’t believe Russia attacked our election in 2016,” Graham said on NBC News’s “Meet the Press.”

Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio went further, taking to Twitter to warn that “partnering with Putin on a ‘Cyber Security Unit’ is akin to partnering with Assad on a "Chemical Weapons Unit.’”
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Interesting. I watched the musical "Evita" yesterday and could not help to compare Peron's political success with Twimp's and ponder whether the two might have something in common (Peron was an ex-fascist who managed to gain support both from the right and the left and establish a dictatorial regime)

And indeed, I found an interesting article...

Analysis | Juan Perón shows how Trump could destroy our democracy without tearing it down

Seems to me the main difference was that Peron was successful by actually improving the lives of "simple" people by raising wages and improving the position of laborers in the labor market. Trump has so far only claimed that he would be doing this but acted actually on the contrary.
The big difference here, though, is that most genuine leftists hate Trump and don't support him, and it was our antiquated electoral college system plus a concerted effort by Republicans to suppress the votes of anyone likely to vote Democratic that allowed Trump to claim victory, not to mention the fact that Republicans currently have a majority in all three branches of government that allows Trump to get away with pretty much everything. The Democrats in Congress (even those who aren't hard leftists) function as a check against the power of Trump and the Republicans, not to mention the judicial system, which includes conservative judges who follow the laws in their rulings against Trump rather than partisan politics.
This is one of the very rare country songs I like.
Maybe next time he'll think before he tweets ♫

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Randy Rainbow is cute but he has murder in his eyes. I'm convinced he's gonna be on the news in a few years for doing away with one of his boyfriends in some absurdly violent way because he like, didn't do the dishes when it was his day to do them or something.
Yeah, I fully expect nothing to come from this at this point. Putin could come stand on the White House desk holding a giant neon sign saying "AMERICA IS DEAD" while laughing and shouting that he manipulated the election and nothing would come from it. A few thinkpieces and a few senators saying It's Time To Impeach Him but absolutely goddamn nothing.
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