NSFW The Trumpocalypse

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Interesting article ...

An ex-CIA officer: the Trump Jr. meeting shows how the Russians exploit intelligence targets

Glenn Carle said:
To me, it's clear that Russian intelligence has been involved with Donald Trump for years. I also believe it's clear, though it's harder to establish, that Donald Trump actively sought that involvement and has consented to it at some point.

It also seems certain that Trump is uncontrollable and would not ever consider himself a spy, but many spies don't consider themselves spies and often don't even know that they're spies. And intelligence services could care less about that.

What matters to them is exploiting people, and that is what is happening here.
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On FB, I've posted numerous articles re: Trump that I found to be important and meaningful. No one posted a like or commented on any of them.

A few days ago, I posted a meme, and received a dozen likes. So what's the problem?

There is a disturbing trend for people not to think too much, and just react to the simplest information. That's not good for society in general.
I'm reading the Republicans have failed to replace Obamacare, so the new tactic is going to be to repeal it first (with a delay of 2 years) without having a replacement ready, and then in the second step to force Democrats and Republicans alike to support Trumpcare. The idea is they will then have to choose between Trumpcare or nothing, as opposed to Trumpcare vs Obamacare.
I'm reading the Republicans have failed to replace Obamacare, so the new tactic is going to be to repeal it first (with a delay of 2 years) without having a replacement ready,

I guess that should go over much better with "moderate" GOP senators :fp:

This might actually even get the attention of the so-called "Trump voters" :mad:
And if they still don't care (which is my guess), then maybe I can still hope that 8 years from now that group will be decimated enough by natural causes.....
I'm a scientist. I'm blowing the whistle on the Trump administration

The article (Emphasis set by quoter) said:
Nearly seven years ago, I came to work for the Interior Department, where, among other things, I've helped endangered communities in Alaska prepare for and adapt to a changing climate. But on 15 June, I was one of about 50 senior department employees who received letters informing us of involuntary reassignments.

Citing a need to “improve talent development, mission delivery and collaboration,” the letter informed me that I was reassigned to an unrelated job in the accounting office that collects royalty cheques from fossil fuel companies.

The article said:
A few days after my reassignment, Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke testified before Congress that the department would use reassignments as part of its effort to eliminate employees; the only reasonable inference from that testimony is that he expects people to quit in response to undesirable transfers. Some of my colleagues are being relocated across the country, at taxpayer expense, to serve in equally ill-fitting jobs.
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