NSFW The Trumpocalypse

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After a downward trend in US politics which seems to have lasted for several decades, which has now culminated in the Trumpenstein swamp monster soiling the presidential office and embarrassing the entirety of western civilization with his antics, I think you first and foremost need a new president who can help bring back respect and integrity to politics, and bring unity and optimism to the nation. You need a person of integrity, someone who is seen as fair, and who is beyond the partisan divide.
Ideally, someone who has spent his or her entire career fighting for working-class people; someone who is able to convince working-class white people that they have more in common with working-class people of color than wealthy white people; someone who believes in collectivism over individualism; someone who realizes that capitalism is the root cause, etc. Someone like that would be president, and the people would remind him or her regularly who they work for.

But it's the responsibility of the candidate to earn the support of the people. Bernie Sanders failed to do that in the primaries, and Hillary Clinton failed to do that in general.

Right, ideally. But that has never once happened and due to the way politics are structured, probably will not happen in the foreseeable future. We are stuck with a few shitty options and I can't imagine not trying to make the best of them because somewhere in the clouds a better one could theoretically exist.
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Right, ideally. But that has never once happened and due to the way politics are structured, probably will not happen in the foreseeable future. We are stuck with a few shitty options and I can't imagine not trying to make the best of them because somewhere in the clouds a better one could theoretically exist.
Without the ideal candidate, marginalized groups are expected to vote for a candidate that doesn't care about them. And then be shamed when they refuse. Since the ideal candidate will never happen, we'll need an ideal system. The people, collectively, have the power to make that happen, no matter who lives in the White House.
After a downward trend in US politics which seems to have lasted for several decades, which has now culminated in the Trumpenstein swamp monster soiling the presidential office and embarrassing the entirety of western civilization with his antics, I think you first and foremost need a new president who can help bring back respect and integrity to politics,

After Dump, I guess even Pence could help on that count...

and bring unity and optimism to the nation.

... but unfortunately not on that one ...
Nobody wants President Pence, either, except homophobic and sexist evangelical Christians who want him to turn back the clock on LGBT and women's rights at the federal level.
Nobody wants President Pence, either, except homophobic and sexist evangelical Christians who want him to turn back the clock on LGBT and women's rights at the federal level.

Indeed. Because Dump is such a champion of these rights ;)!

I didn't think I need to make that clear, I was very much a member of the "Don't impeach Dump - you'll get Pence, who is no better" camp, but by now I think having a sexist homophobic evangelical who is not likely to "push the red button" (and who is even less likely to get re-elected) would be an improvement over the unspeakable status quo.

The downside is that Pence might actually get something done from the GOP's nefarious agenda. So far, Dump's incompetence was the best kind of "checks and balances" existing...

And of course, I am definitely not talking about the 2020 term :D.
because, as we talk (or sleep), Dump seems to be considering again the single one of his actions that was actually POPULAR with much of the US population, which was "bomb the **** out of another country", to take the attention away from Russia, his failed healthcare efforts, and whatever else....

US warns Pyongyang 'time for talk is over' as bombers fly over Korean skies

But, North Korea might, of course, be able to respond differently than Syria or Afghanistan. So I do not envy the South Koreans at the moment.....
Nothing new, really ...

Donald Trump’s shocking disloyalty

What is interesting, however, is that they put an excerpt from "The art of the Deal":

Donald Dump said:
He was a truly loyal guy — it was a matter of honor with him — and because he was also very smart, he was a great guy to have on your side. You could count on him to go to bat for you, even if he privately disagreed with your view, and even if defending you wasn’t necessarily the best thing for him. He was never two-faced.

Just compare that with all the hundreds of “respectable” guys who make careers out of boasting about their uncompromising integrity but have absolutely no loyalty. They only care about what’s best for them and don’t think twice about stabbing a friend in the back if the friend becomes a problem. What I liked most about Roy Cohn was that he would do just the opposite. Roy was the kind of guy who’d be there at your hospital bed long after everyone else had bailed out, literally standing by you to the death.

This passage makes it very clear to me that Dump has not the slightest idea what the word "integrity" means.

His definition of somebody who claims "uncompromising integrity" is obviously somebody who "cares only about what's best for them". ... erm ... that is definitely NOT the definition of "integrity" you would find in any kind of dictionary.

The other ironic part, of course, is that Dump was the one who immediately bailed out on his longtime mentor Roy Cohn and definitely did NOT visit him at his hospital bed, when he was hospitalized with HIV. :mad:
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....in other news, Sean Spicer hasn't stopped laughing yet since the news broke.
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