NSFW The Trumpocalypse

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I actually do wish someone would go in and assassinate Kim Jong Un but that's another story, and a plan I wouldn't trust the government to do in a trillion years.

It'd be nice if we had a UN that actually cared about the welfare of our global civilization rather than just trying to make themselves look good.
Right now I am putting more hope into Kim Jng Un's sanity than in Dump's intelligence to avoid a conflict, to be honest.
President Trump made building a wall along the southern U.S. border and forcing Mexico to pay for it core pledges of his campaign.

But in his first White House call with Mexico’s president, Trump described his vow to charge Mexico as a growing political problem, pressuring the Mexican leader to stop saying publicly that his government would never pay.

“You cannot say that to the press,” Trump said repeatedly, according to a transcript of the Jan. 27 call obtained by The Washington Post. Trump made clear that he realized the funding would have to come from other sources but threatened to cut off contact if Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto continued to make defiant statements.

The funding “will work out in the formula somehow,” Trump said, adding later that “it will come out in the wash, and that is okay.” But “if you are going to say that Mexico is not going to pay for the wall, then I do not want to meet with you guys anymore because I cannot live with that.”

He described the wall as “the least important thing we are talking about, but politically this might be the most important.”

This, from the transcript of dt's call with the prime minister of Australia:

The Jan. 28 call with Turnbull became particularly acrimonious. “I have had it,” Trump erupted after the two argued about an agreement on refugees. “I have been making these calls all day, and this is the most unpleasant call all day.”

Before ending the call, Trump noted that at least one of his conversations that day had gone far more smoothly. “Putin was a pleasant call,” Trump said, referring to Russian President Vladimir Putin. “This is ridiculous.”

Trump urged Mexican president to end his public defiance on border wall, transcript reveals
Pro-Trump Trolls Silent After 'Alt-Right' Ship Detained in Mediterranean for Apparent Human Trafficking
According to HOPE Not Hate, pro-Trump propaganda outlet Breitbart, white nationalist site AltRight.com, racial nationalist organization American Renaissance, Nazi website The Daily Stormer, and former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke have also voiced support for Defend Europe’s mission. As of noon on July 28, none of these outlets or individuals had responded to the latest developments.
I was kind of hoping Trump was even worse in private so that he would one day be caught on a microphone or something and that would help take him down. But that is probably not going to work.

Ermmm ... well, that thing exactly happened during the campaign, with the "Access Hollywood" tapes, but, as you already pointed out, it did not work, either.
‘This deal will make me look terrible’: Full transcripts of Trump’s calls with Mexico and Australia

Indeed. The Master Dealmaker at work. :fp:

Trump’s phone call with the Mexican president shows that he's terrible at making deals

The article said:
Trump argues that he and Peña Nieto are better off by dropping the public back and forth in which each insists that the other will pay for the wall.

“They are going to say, ‘Who is going to pay for the wall, Mr. President?’ to both of us, and we should both say, ‘We will work it out,’” Trump says. “It will work out in the formula somehow. As opposed to you saying, ‘We will not pay’ and me saying, ‘We will not pay.’”

The guy seems to be more delusional than even I thought.
And is anyone actually making that happen? On any level where it would make sense to abandon the current system and watch or participate in its destruction?

There are violent protests but I've never heard of anything approaching actual rebellion against the US Government. The day that happens, I'm right there with you. It's not going to happen though, and working within the confines of the system we have right now is the only thing we have. Unless we want to break the system, which I do, but which is much easier said than done.

i.e. I'd love to destroy the government but that's not going to happen, so unless it does I'll be here voting Democrat and doing what I can to try and push the US as far left as possible without getting myself arrested.
There are small pockets of rebellion happening throughout the country, and it comes in many different forms, not just the smashy-smashy of corporate property.

This radical resistance will need to grow, and continue to grow even when a Democrat is occupying the White House. The ruling class are the minority. Collectively, we have the power.
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There are small pockets of rebellion happening throughout the country, and it comes in many different forms, not just the smashy-smashy of corporate property.

This radical resistance will need to grow, and continue to grow even when a Democrat is occupying the White House. The ruling class are the minority. Collectively, we have the power.

I know that, and I consider myself a radical for sure. I mean, other people would even if I didn't. But that doesn't mean that voting for a Democrat is not going to be the right political move when the opposition is like that.

Considering myself above voting and trying to push the country in a direction that at least makes it more malleable to radical action than the alternative just doesn't seem radical to me.
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