NSFW The Trumpocalypse

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Really disappointed in the ACLU lately. They've been hard at work defending the nazis' right to protest and outing antifas left and right. One of their twitter accounts reported a counterprotestor for having a crossbow, meanwhile, no callout for a bunch of nazis with automatic weapons strolling by. I'd recommend not supporting them outside of specific circumstances, because nazis do not need defending and it's clear they've fallen prey to this "both sides" nonsense.
I'll have to alert my folks to this... and remove the ACLU magnet from the fridge, & leave it on the table with a note attached telling them not to send a donation until....

Sorry to learn about this, but thank you for informing.
Boston will eat them alive. As racist as they've known to be, Boston is still a very liberal city.
With some exception, liberals aren't really standing up to these Nazi scum, radical leftists are, specifically AntiFa, IWW and Redneck Revolt, to name a few. A liberal is more likely to believe that if you punch a Nazi you are no better than they are, or this nonsense that you can fight hate with love. And you can't debate them either, all you can do is fight them. If you fight for their rights they will not thank you, they will kill you.
With some exception, liberals aren't really standing up to these Nazi scum, radical leftists are, specifically AntiFa, IWW and Redneck Revolt, to name a few. A liberal is more likely to believe that if you punch a Nazi you are no better than they are, or this nonsense that you can fight hate with love. And you can't debate them either, all you can do is fight them. If you fight for their rights they will not thank you, they will kill you.

I think that every single person who shows up to counter protest is fighting these white supremacists. It's not necessary to punch someone in order to fight them.

One of the viewpoints in the African American community is that the antifas are a bunch of privileged white boys who come in and do their thing and then leave the local African American communities to deal with the fallout and backlash.
With some exception, liberals aren't really standing up to these Nazi scum, radical leftists are, specifically AntiFa, IWW and Redneck Revolt, to name a few. A liberal is more likely to believe that if you punch a Nazi you are no better than they are, or this nonsense that you can fight hate with love. And you can't debate them either, all you can do is fight them. If you fight for their rights they will not thank you, they will kill you.
You can't tell me that these people aren't standing up:
Except for the odd post here and there, I certainly do not see any liberals suggesting to love or debate nazis as a way to fight them, but I have seen plenty of liberals who would be happy to see them all dead. I know I wouldn't shed a tear over a single one of them. And just because we all aren't out there breaking knee caps with baseball bats, it doesn't mean we aren't fighting them in whatever way is available to us.
More CEO's have jumped ship but there are still quite a few supporting trump. People have been posting on the Facebook pages of those remaining asking them to leave as well, and boycotting their products. Sadly Dell issued a statement that they will be standing behind trump, so I will never consider buying a Dell in future, even if they eventually leave the council.

Here's a list of who's staying and who left.

The Business Leaders on (and Off) Trump Councils
Are they just standing there holding signs? That's really going to stop the Nazis.

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you're an active antifa, travelling to various white supremacist gatherings and beating them up, because if you're not, you're doing less than the people in the video.

Those people in the video vote. And they influence other people to vote.

As far as I can see, the antifa aren't influencing anyone to use their votes to oppose the white supremacist agenda. They are just turning people off. I'm active on another political board that is peopled almost exclusively by people who despise dt with the fervor of a thousand suns, and I have spent the last couple of days using time and energy I could better spend more constructively, making the argument that no, the antifa aren't as bad as the people they're beating up.

So, from my point of view, the violent altfa are just a huge distraction at the moment. All you're doing is giving cover to the wrong people. You're certainly not influencing anyone into a positive direction.

If you think the only way to deal with white supremacists is to exterminate them, then you'd better get busy doing that. What you're doing in the meantime is just giving them cover, and more power.
I'm old enough to remember the Vietnam War. What turned the tide of public opinion wasn't the groups who bombed buildings and used violence.

What turned the tide of public opinion were the kids who were killed at Kent State, the individuals who self-immolated.

Martyrs are powerful for any movement. Gandhi and other activists understood that very well.

Don't give the wrong side the gift of creating martyrs for them.
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