NSFW The Trumpocalypse

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We've made page 200, kiddos!

And I guess that's not something to be proud of (although I'm glad it's goin' strong) because I started this thread when Frump got "elected" and I honestly didn't expect him to still be... well, not in prison... or still alive... at this point.... :|

Keep on keepin' on! RESIST! VOTE! :hug: :clp:and :thanks:
We've made page 200, kiddos!

And I guess that's not something to be proud of (although I'm glad it's goin' strong) because I started this thread when Frump got "elected" and I honestly didn't expect him to still be... well, not in prison... or still alive... at this point.... :|

Keep on keepin' on! RESIST! VOTE! :hug: :clp:and :thanks:

If Trump loses the next election let's all gather here and post photos or emoticons or gifs or whatever of the alcoholic beverages that we happen to be drinking.
I just love Michael Harriot!

Donald Trump Is America's Greatest President

Never before has one person so perfectly embodied the qualities of this nation.

If one was to create a sentient being out of America’s past and present, it would look like Donald Trump. It would hate anyone who is not white. It would believe itself to be an infallible “stable genius.” It would hide secrets. It would whitewash its past. It would lie incessantly. It would rip brown babies from their mothers’ arms. It would criminalize Muslims. It would mirror the intellect and sentiment of the vast majority of people who fill the country from sea to shining sea.

Donald Trump is America.
The part you quoted is a bit harsh considering Trump lost the popular vote, and is as much hated by those who voted against him as he is loved by his supporters. He may perfectly embody the qualities of roughly half the nation, but it would be somewhat offensive to claim he represents much more than that.

Nevertheless, a lot of what is said in that piece rings true, though of course I've only ever visited, never actually lived in America, so I'm no expert ...
The part you quoted is a bit harsh considering Trump lost the popular vote, and is as much hated by those who voted against him as he is loved by his supporters. He may perfectly embody the qualities of roughly half the nation, but it would be somewhat offensive to claim he represents much more than that.
Thank you! :sadnod: I am the very antithesis of a Trump supporter, and I don't much care for being pigeon-holed simply because I'm an American.... :brood:
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