NSFW The Trumpocalypse

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The Root is a bit more clear in their answer to the "Resistance" NYT Op-Ed...

You Are Not Part of the 'Resistance' If You Are Hiding Behind Anonymity

Mind it, I am not so much against posting the letter anonymously, but I have the impression when reading it that those "worst transgressions" they want to keep Dump from are things like erecting trade barriers, they seem to be fine with his racism and his tax cuts...
I've been wondering if this anonymous op-ed could be counter productive. If you wanted to subtly work against Trump, wouldn't it be more effective to do so discreetly without his knowledge? Now he is probably going to be more alert to this kind of thing, and probably more demanding and insistent with his orders, and take actions to reduce the power of others to thwart him.
I've been wondering if this anonymous op-ed could be counter productive. If you wanted to subtly work against Trump, wouldn't it be more effective to do so discreetly without his knowledge? Now he is probably going to be more alert to this kind of thing, and probably more demanding and insistent with his orders, and take actions to reduce the power of others to thwart him.
I think it's just yet more drama for drama's sake... everyone knows how paranoid Frumpty-Dumpty is already.... :brood:

Let's not get too distracted by it....

People in the U.S.: Have you voted in your primaries yet? Make sure you vote in November! Tell friends! Make a party out of it! :up:
Oh, wow. :rofl: Yeah, we can't have anyone who displays honest reactions... move him out! :rolleyes: LMAO

Yup, you guys, too... move along. ---- OK, now smile pretty for the camera, ladies! :flirt:
Oh gawd- is that for real? :fp:

My coworker was getting all upset reading some off her phone about trump and I looked and told her it was the Onion. She wasn't familiar with the onion and more upset that a paper would think it's funny! Her reaction was so much more than funny!:dismay:
Donald Trump sees treason from within - CNNPolitics

The article said:
"There is somebody working for the President of the United States at a very senior level who is trying to destroy him," Michael Caputo, a former Trump campaign aide told CNN's Anderson Cooper.

No ****, Sherlock!

Dump himself has been doing his very best to destroy himself, so no big news here...


Manigault-Newman told MSNBC’s Alex Witt that it happened so frequently while she was there that staffers—and possibly even members of Donald Trump’s own family—had their own hashtag: #tfa.


“You know, we had a little hashtag, #tfa, which now that I think about it, I’m a little embarrassed to tell you how often; when I went through my text chains from the White House, I saw the hashtag #tfa—25th Amendment,” she said.
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