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Paul Manafort Pleads Guilty, Agrees To Cooperate With Prosecutors
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Democrats Refer Kavanaugh Allegations To FBI, Deepening Divide Over His Nomination

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Big Questions In Russia Case May Be Answered If FISA Documents Are Unredacted

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Shelters For Immigrant Teens Expanded As Record Numbers Continue To Cross
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Still, for the average Repugnican voter, that is likely either perfectly fine, or not enough of a reason to turn on these nice gentlemen ... :mad:

Let's hope it motivates all those who are not Repugnican fans but were so far equally complicit because they decided to not give a ****...
Still, for the average Repugnican voter, that is likely either perfectly fine, or not enough of a reason to turn on these nice gentlemen ... :mad:

Let's hope it motivates all those who are not Repugnican fans but were so far equally complicit because they decided to not give a ****...
It so galls me because the GOP was all over Clinton during the Monica Lewinsky scandal. Such a double standard and so hypocritical.
Just reading that Rod Rosenstein is about to resign ....! If this is correct, it could mean the end for Mueller's Russia investigation.
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