NSFW The Trumpocalypse

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I am so angry about this. Women still don't matter in America.
Just lost my appetite... and nearly my lunch. LOL :yuck: So f*cking gross.... :hurl:

WTF is that? Source?

Something different yet interesting ...

Brett Kavanaugh Sided with Seaworld in 'Blackfish' Case

The article said:
First, some background: OSHA filed its case against Seaworld after one of the park’s trainers, Dawn Brancheau, was killed during a Shamu Show by an orca named Tilikum. Outside reported on that story in 2010 and 2011 with our features “The Killer in the Pool” and “Blood in the Water,” both written by Tim Zimmermann. (He'd go on to co-write Blackfish.) The two pieces tell the story of Brancheau and a years-long pattern of dangerous behavior at Seaworld.
OSHA argued that Seaworld should have taken more steps to protect its trainers and it fined the park $70,000. Seaworld appealed, resulting in the court case, which in the end was defeated by a two-to-one vote in the U.S. Court of Appeals. Interestingly, it was President Barack Obama’s nominee for the Supreme Court Merrick Garland, along with Judith Rogers, who concluded that Seaworld should be held responsible for Brancheau’s death.

Kavanaugh disagreed, writing a 2,900-word dissent that likened Brancheau’s work to other “extremely dangerous” sports like bull riding. “Participants in those activities want to take part, sometimes even to make a career of it, despite and occasionally because of the known risk of serious injury,” Kavanaugh wrote. “To be fearless, courageous, tough—to perform a sport or activity at the highest levels of human capacity, even in the face of known physical risk—is among the greatest forms of personal achievement for many who take part in these activities.” He went on to deny that close contact between whales and trainers is in any way different from “contact between players in the NFL or speeding in NASCAR races.”
He’ll go. They’ll handcuff him and carry him out bodily if that’s what it takes, but he’ll go. If it turns out that the people charged with removing him from the White House won’t remove him, trust me, there’s a long line of other people willing to take the job.
This does not sound good.

Don’t Expect Wray and Rosenstein to Protect the FBI This Time

Andrew Harnik said:
But there is another reason we cannot expect Wray and Rosenstein to buck against White House direction of the investigation. To them, Kavanaugh is not merely the target of an FBI investigation. Kavanaugh is a longtime colleague, political ally and perhaps even friend. The three men have known each other for decades, working closely on the shared mission of advancing conservative judicial and policy goals. We simply cannot expect Wray and Rosenstein to block the advancement of their fellow conservative and longtime colleague to the highest court in the land.
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