NSFW The Trumpocalypse

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The Twitter-verse is goin' conspiracy crazy over this... and I gotta say, I'm convinced. That is not the same woman.... LMAO :weird:


Yup... chin & jawline are much more pronounced on the stunt double.... :p
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Nah, he didn’t tweet that.

1. It’s too nice.
2. It’s not all about him.
3. It’s not full of spelling and grammatical errors and Unnecessary Capitalizations and rambling text full of .......... and !!!!!!!

I’m pretty sure someone saw what he tweeted about Aretha Franklin and tweeted this for him, because he really couldn’t be bothered. Instead, after attacking HIS OWN ATTORNEY GENERAL AGAIN, he probably spent Saturday golfing at Mar-a-Lago, as usual.
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Don't worry, we only announce them, but never implement them. There's a stack of sanctions that were supposed to take effect weeks ago, but never did.
Actually, we already don't have any american food and almost no EU food, but, if i get it right, there still had been some edible raw materials from there. And when our own embargo first hit our market (as a response to the US and EU sanctions),- almost 95% of food disappeared.:eek: It was winter, and i had exacerbation of polyneuropathy (then got to the hospital, and then got stuck in the mad house).:sob: And i even couldn't buy f***ing tomatoes then! Gloomy, gloomy times...:pout: Then our import substitution gradually began to develop, and now we have plenty of food, but it's all ours (sometimes from Israel, or South Africa). Recently, for some time we had sanctions towards Turkey (there were no deliscious turkish veggies and fruits). Now it's gone, thank god. But every single moment they make up new sanctions and embargo.:bang: I think, sometimes i miss the USSR... At least, it was stable... :fp:
Well, as Val can certainly confirm, the Russian flag does have a blue stripe, so ... perfectly understandable :D
I don't know what the results would be (although I have a bit of a suspicion) but I would be curious to see an analysis of all of Trump's tweets that looked at:

Amount of tweets about men and women and how many of each of these were positive, negative or neutral.
Amount of tweets about people of certain races and how many of each of these were positive, negative or neutral.
Amount of tweets about Caucasian vs other countries and how many of each of these were positive, negative or neutral.

Does anyone know if this analysis has been done already?
Haha, i loved that chicken-Trump.:D
There are a bunch of those videos now (click on the # link)... I've seen a couple, don't really care... but the Krassen-Bros are depicted as well, so they keep tweeting the stuff. The characters include Ivodka and Moolania and Paul Manafart and I don't know who else, I just don't care enough at this point.... LMFAO
This. It's so frustrating to see all the apologists come out with, "Well, the flag rules say only 48 hours" blah, blah, blah. McCain deserved better. I may not have agreed with him on a number of points, but he at least put forth the image that he gave a hoot about the country and tried to put the country first. He was well-respected by many on both sides of the political aisle, and he deserved more than the bare minimum of honor by the White House. I can't express how much I loathe the occupier of the White House.
McCain deserved better.
I read something about him, and it looks like he was doing much for his country. Someone here(!) might accuse him that he hated Russia like no one else, but it's perfectly understandable, and he's not the one to blame: in 1967, in Vietnam he was hit by a soviet(!) missile, then vietnamese kept him in prison for 5.5 yrs:eek:. They broke his shoulder so that he couldn't fly again. He even tried to commit suicide. Anybody would have gone crazy there for 5.5 yrs. I spent 5 months in a "jail" (the mad house), and i already hate certain categories of people (and will hate them for the rest of my life), but 5.5 years,... with shoulder broken and being humiliated and tortured... Anybody would have hated Russia (he confessed that that exact missile was the main reason of his hatred).:sigh:
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