NSFW The Trumpocalypse

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Do you think this will end up being a collectors item? Perhaps both this one, and the one announcing trumps arrest. :D
It's just such a lovely headline.

Can I post a joke here? It is too good not to share ....

Some Jokester said:
Trump's aide on Monday said to him, "Sir, I had a dream you got your parade. It was miles and miles long, winding through Washington, D.C. Joyful Americans lined the route, literally in the millions. You were riding in the most beautiful carriage. It was the biggest parade in U.S. history."

Trump beamed and asked, "Was I happy?"

The aide answered, "I don't know, sir, the casket was closed."
I believe that last tweet is fake. But I don’t blame people for thinking it’s real because it LOOKS like something he’d tweet.
I am pretty sure she knows a lot more about guns than education. Not enough, of course, to tell a pistol from a revolver or something like that, but more than she knows about what should happen in schools...
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