NSFW The Trumpocalypse

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One would-be dictator at a time. First we deal with Trump. Then we deal with Pence. If we had a Democratic majority in Congress, we could take care of these illegitimate, ethnic cleansing election-stealers once and for all, and the only people in the White House left standing will be the cleaning crew, and even they could be subpoenaed because they might know something.
Could Donald Trump Launch Another War to Save His Skin? - WhoWhatWhy


Baker draws parallels to George W. Bush’s own penchant for war. Before he was even elected, Bush actually confided to his ghostwriter how much a nice little war could do for his poll numbers —
Today’s cartoon, by Jason Adam Katzenstein:


“Beautiful. It would look terrific in the situation room.”
The Lie Sarah Huckabee Sanders Could Not Tell

Monique Judge said:
On Tuesday, however, that changed. Sanders found herself up against the indefensible, and for as much as she is willing to fall on her sword at any given moment, she would not do it at the latest White House press briefing.

News broke early in the day that former White House aide Omarosa Manigault Newman released a secret recording she made of two Trump campaign staffers—Katrina Pierson and Lynn Patton—discussing how to spin Trump’s use of a racial slur. Omarosa claims that slur was the n-word.
Reporter: “Can you stand at the podium and guarantee the American people they’ll never hear Donald Trump utter the n-word on a recording in any context?”

Sanders: (voice shaking) “I can’t guarantee anything, but I can tell you that the president addressed this question directly. I can tell you that I’ve never heard it. I can also tell you that if myself or the people that are in this building serving this country every single day—doing our very best to help people all across this country and make it better—if at any point we felt that the president was who some of his critics claim him to be, we certainly wouldn’t be here.
BTW ....

Omarosa tapes: Penn Jillette says he was 'in the room' for Trump slurs

But we all know, anyway .... if those tapes are released, likely not much will happen.

Why? His supporters certainly will not find it in any way against their values.
And people who do not support him, but are not thoroughly disgusted enough by now to get of their a$$es in the midterms and go to vote, will likely not be swayed by that, either.

In more detail, here: It's Sad, but a Trump N-Word Tape Might Not Even Matter
and here:
I'm Sure Someone Has a Tape of Donald Trump Saying the N-Word. Unfortunately, No One Gives a ****
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If there is a tape, hearing him using slurs will just make his supporters love him even more. Sadly, I've already talked to a few who are defending him. They claim they voted for him because he wasn't a politician, and they don't expect him to be politically correct when speaking.
If there is a tape, hearing him using slurs will just make his supporters love him even more. Sadly, I've already talked to a few who are defending him. They claim they voted for him because he wasn't a politician, and they don't expect him to be politically correct when speaking.
It's very disheartening that his public endorsements are helping those candidates win (Kobach in Kansas, for example). It makes me nervous for November. In Connecticut, a Trump-endorsed gubernatorial candidate won the GOP primary yesterday over the endorsed GOP candidate (not that that guy was any good, either). Trump's base is very active, but I so hope enough Democrats come out and beat the GOP candidate soundly. This guy co-opted the MAGA slogan by using it for Connecticut and wants to get rid of taxes that basically affect the 1%, like the estate tax. He also wants to get rid of the state income tax, which would be a disaster. It would mean cutting out tons of social services and town funding for education, thereby putting more of the tax burden on the 99%. At least if the Democrat gets in, he wouldn't do something that drastic and ridiculous. We have a divided legislature, much like that of the nation, so I don't foresee any real hope, but it still would be far better if the Democrat wins.
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