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You keep trying to have it both ways.

You repeatedly claimed that people were blind to Hillary's faults, and in the next breath, that people only supported her because they had no better option.

You come up with all kinds of excuses for why Bernie couldn't even win the nomination, but it's Hillary's "fault" that DT won.

It's impossible to take your "positions" seriously if they do a 180 based on your whims.

People didn't have the kind of hate for Bernie that they did for Hillary. I said back in the spring that I thought Bernie could beat Trump but Hillary would not. And I'm not a Bernie, Hillary or Trump supporter. I know some die-hard Republicans who said they might vote for Bernie if he won the nomination. But they were never going to vote for Hillary. People either loved her or hated her; there was no in between.
And if the shoes had been thrown at Obama or Hillary Clinton?
Seriously? They were SHOES... therefore, slapstick-hilarious. I'll say "dub-yuh" was pretty damn good at dodgin' those loafers (as well as many other things), but not much good at anything else. IMO, even saying his name is a useless waste of spit.

I know when I started this thread I encouraged humor.... I had no idea it would explode into what it has. And I guess we have at least four years to look forward to. :brood: It's never my intention to create drama, but I guess that's what I got here. Too late, I've created a monster. How apropos. :| But I will NEVER believe that G.W. Bush was a good president, or even a capable candidate. The man was an ignoramus through & through and a ridiculous excuse for a human being.

I can't believe I'm typing this much about him, frankly. That's all he gets from me. I'm disgusted by him. And I shall be SO much more by the incoming.... I couldn't even fathom that was at all possible.
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She had more money, a larger organization, better name recognition, as well as undue influence in the DNC. Of course she was going to win the nomination. Nonetheless, she didn't inspire enough people in the right states during the general election.
She chose a strategy that didn't work. Instead of recognizing that it was a failed strategy, blaming everyone except her isn't going to help the Democrats in future elections.

Is anyone saying that it wasn't partially her fault? Like, all I want is a nuanced perspective that acknowledges that it isn't as simple as "the poor misled public was fed up with the vicious hated tyrant-to-be." There are a lot of people responsible for this. Clinton and the DNC are certainly at fault in some ways. I think there are other groups that did a lot more to influence the end result of the election than them.

And again, I have to ask:


Yes, I know I'm yelling, but this is the third time that I've asked why this thread keeps being turned into a re-litigation of the election.

My fault too, sorry.
Seriously? They were SHOES... therefore, slapstick-hilarious. I'll say "dub-yuh" was pretty damn good at dodgin' those loafers (as well as many other things), but not much good at anything else. IMO, even saying his name is a useless waste of spit.

I know when I started this thread I encouraged humor.... I had no idea it would explode into what it has. And I guess we have at least four years to look forward to. :brood: It's never my intention to create drama, but I guess that's what I got here. Too late, I've created a monster. How apropos. :| But I will NEVER believe that G.W. Bush was a good president, or even a capable candidate. The man was an ignoramus through & through and a ridiculous excuse for a human being.

I can't believe I'm typing this much about him, frankly. That's all he gets from me. I'm disgusted by him. And I shall be SO much more by the incoming.... I couldn't even fathom that was at all possible.

Speaking of off topic, because I think you'd appreciate it, here's a cascade of images of Dubya being inexplicably mesmerized by men's bald heads:










Speaking of off topic, because I think you'd appreciate it, here's a cascade of images of Dubya being inexplicably mesmerized by men's bald heads:










:rofl: OMFG, I needed that! And yeah, it's "off topic"... and I sure as hell hope it doesn't get deleted. Cripes, I've lost track of this thread since it went ballistic... seriously considering not getting any more alerts from it 'cuz it's gotten a little exhausting. I dunno, I dug my own hole, I should just dive in & wallow. LOL :weird:

I hope posts aren't being deleted. I sure hope none of mine were, I started this whole mess. You're welcome. :fp: LMFAO
:rofl: OMFG, I needed that! And yeah, it's "off topic"... and I sure as hell hope it doesn't get deleted. Cripes, I've lost track of this thread since it went ballistic... seriously considering not getting any more alerts from it 'cuz it's gotten a little exhausting. I dunno, I dug my own hole, I should just dive in & wallow. LOL :weird:

I hope posts aren't being deleted. I sure hope none of mine were, I started this whole mess. You're welcome. :fp: LMFAO

I mean, half of my conversation with Spang earlier was deleted, or just disappeared somehow, while I was sick.

This has actually been pretty cathartic, honestly. I think your intended purpose for the thread came through, although in a different way than you maybe envisioned. There's a lot of hurt feelings and garbage that kind of needs to be shouted about before anyone can move forward.
I mean, half of my conversation with Spang earlier was deleted, or just disappeared somehow, while I was sick.

This has actually been pretty cathartic, honestly. I think your intended purpose for the thread came through, although in a different way than you maybe envisioned. There's a lot of hurt feelings and garbage that kind of needs to be shouted about before anyone can move forward.
Hence the NSFW & "debate" thread.... ;) Carry on, love. Just pace yourself because it's gonna get a hell of a lot rougher... for all of us. Just promise you won't hover HERE all the time. It's not good for you. Look at some goddamn cute animal videos & ****... find something to smile & laugh about. :p :hug:
I mean, half of my conversation with Spang earlier was deleted, or just disappeared somehow, while I was sick.

I still see our posts, but it wouldn't surprise me if they were deleted. The moderating in this forum is awful.
I still see our posts, but it wouldn't surprise me if they were deleted. The moderating in this forum is awful.

The one earlier I mean, from last week. I can't find it anywhere.

ETA: Apparently I just didn't go back far enough. The amount of ways in which I am losing it is ridiculous. Sorry for the confusion.
Why did the journalist throw shoes at the president? Because in Muslim countries, showing the soles of one's shoes to another person is considered offensive. Here's the full explanation:

Arab culture: the insult of the shoe

So in the West, the choice of shoes to throw at an American president might be considered silly, but to Muslims, it's deadly serious and is a major political statement.
Sock and Awe!
I scored 2 on my first try using careful sighting and targeting.
I got 7 on my second try using a tactic of massive and constant fire.
And again, I have to ask:


Yes, I know I'm yelling, but this is the third time that I've asked why this thread keeps being turned into a re-litigation of the election.

IMHO, the "re-litigation" of the election is a valid topic for this thread, because if Hillary had won, there wouldn't be a "Trumpocalypse" to discuss.
(I tried starting another thread about hacking and about immigration, but there was zero interest :( So, one big thread it is, I guess.)
Hence the NSFW & "debate" thread.... ;) Carry on, love. Just pace yourself because it's gonna get a hell of a lot rougher... for all of us. Just promise you won't hover HERE all the time. It's not good for you. Look at some goddamn cute animal videos & ****... find something to smile & laugh about. :p :hug:

Oh yeah it is gonna get rougher. I wish I could celebrate the new year but 2017 is going to make 2016 look like a carefree romp in a flowery meadow.

And thanks. You too.
And so the fascism begins...

"Republicans claim they want to 'drain the swamp,' but the night before the new Congress gets sworn in, the House GOP has eliminated the only independent ethics oversight of their actions. Evidently, ethics are the first casualty of the new Republican Congress," she said in a statement Monday following the vote."

Office of Congressional Ethics gutted by Republicans - CNNPolitics.com
And so the fascism begins...

"Republicans claim they want to 'drain the swamp,' but the night before the new Congress gets sworn in, the House GOP has eliminated the only independent ethics oversight of their actions. Evidently, ethics are the first casualty of the new Republican Congress," she said in a statement Monday following the vote."

Office of Congressional Ethics gutted by Republicans - CNNPolitics.com
It really is going to be as bad as I've been imaging. :(
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