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New email:

Amy, Hillary Clinton won Virginia by more than 5 points in 2016, but Republicans won 7 of the state’s 11 congressional seats.

How? Gerrymandering.

Republican wins in oft-ignored state legislature races in 2009 and 2010 gave the GOP control of the redistricting process in a majority of states after the 2010 census. They then used that power to draw some of the most outrageously gerrymandered maps in history all across the nation—Virginia is just one egregious example among many. These efforts were so successful that experts estimate that Democrats would need to win the national popular vote for the House by at least 7 points to have any shot at taking back the majority from Paul Ryan.

This is why the next 2 years are so important. Gubernatorial and state legislative elections held in 2017 and 2018 will help determine who holds redistricting power after the 2020 census—and whether Democrats will be locked out of the majority in the House for another decade or more.

That's why Daily Kos is launching our first endorsements of 2017 right now.

Undo Republican gerrymanders: Chip in $1 each to Democrats Ralph Northam & Cheryl Turpin.

Virginia is one of a handful of states that holds elections for state offices in odd-numbered years. Races for governor and state House this year will be crucial for undoing the GOP's congressional and legislative gerrymanders there, some of the worst in the country.

Ralph Northam is the lieutenant governor of Virginia. He's running unopposed in the Democratic primary, and incumbent Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe is term-limited. Winning the governor's race this year is absolutely essential to stopping the GOP-controlled legislature from passing new gerrymanders after the 2020 census.

Cheryl Turpin is running in a special state House election scheduled for Jan. 10—the last election before Trump's inauguration. This a very close district—Trump won it just 47.1 to 46.5—and it's exactly the sort of district Democrats need to go big in if they're going to close the gap with the GOP in the state legislature.
And so the fascism begins...

"Republicans claim they want to 'drain the swamp,' but the night before the new Congress gets sworn in, the House GOP has eliminated the only independent ethics oversight of their actions. Evidently, ethics are the first casualty of the new Republican Congress," she said in a statement Monday following the vote."

Office of Congressional Ethics gutted by Republicans - CNNPolitics.com

Bloomberg Politics reported that the amendment had been removed from the rules package in a last-minute vote called by Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives.
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They'll probably sneak it through in something else at a later date when nobody is paying attention. Republicans don't give up that easily.
I think the article by Amy is worth a look, and probably accurate in its depiction of Trump.
I think the article by Amy is worth a look, and probably accurate in its depiction of Trump.

Re-reading it, the thought occurred to me; the country elected a Mafia don to the presidency. He's reminding me more and more of the mafia gangsters who literally got away with murder, and everything else, in the movie "Goodfellas", and those characters were based on real people.
I have been reading on other forums that people earning over $400k might get a tax cut. :rolleyes: I think I will reserve judgement on DT until he actually does anything as at the moment I feel like he is still trolling. Is it really him tweeting or his team?! I'm still laughing at some of the things he comes out with as they are so bizarre!

I really would like to know what moderate Republicans think about all this, where are they? Probably not on VV.:p
They repealed it very quickly...which makes me think this was staged to make Trump look good.

Naw. They thought no one would notice, but the news actually picked up on it, and they were inundated with calls, from Republicans as well as Democrats. Trump then got wind of the outrage, and did his tweet thing so that he could take credit.
Re-reading it, the thought occurred to me; the country elected a Mafia don to the presidency. He's reminding me more and more of the mafia gangsters who literally got away with murder, and everything else, in the movie "Goodfellas", and those characters were based on real people.

The fact that he's apparently keeping lists of those who **** talked him and those who supported him makes this even clearer. We're dealing with an actual factual demagogue here, folks.

I really would like to know what moderate Republicans think about all this, where are they? Probably not on VV.:p

I don't hear a lot from their camp but from what I've gleaned, they seem to mostly dislike Trunk but are willing to overlook his flaws (as if the man's made up of anything but flaws) in the hopes that some of their agenda could be accomplished under his presidency.
Yay for California.
The California Legislature has hired the firm of former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder as outside counsel to assist legal challenges posed by conflicts with the Trump Administration, Democratic leaders announced Wednesday.

Holder’s firm, Covington & Burling, will advise the Legislature “in our efforts to resist any attempts to roll back the progress California has made,” said Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de León and Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon in a joint statement on Wednesday...

California Legislature to pay Eric Holder to challenge Trump administration
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I don't know if people have heard this silly joke already. I did laugh, lol.

John (while writing Revelations): "So Lord, the end will be signaled by trumpets?"

God: "No... I said Trump/Pence."

John: Yeah, trumpets.

God: "Never mind. They'll know."

Maybe we can get Meatman ("Where do y'all get your protein?") back here to weigh in.... LMAO :rolleyes:

I don't remember that at all. :confused::p

I remember the duck hunters, was that on here?

Well, republican vegetarians certainly wouldn't feel welcome here, no matter what they eat! Most people to the right of the leftist of the left are no doubt quickly nauseated and flounce.

The American forums I'm on are all quite left-leaning, but then they are also quite hostile to veganism. It's annoying.:D
I love the word flounce. Whenever I hear that word, I always picture the person (both men and women) quickly walking out of the room, with their nose in the air, in a Scarlett O'Hara dress. :rofl:
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