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And this one is related to the Women's March on January 21. It's an email from a Wisconsin-based company called Penzey's Spices, which I encourage everyone to patronize.




I received a nice email last week from one of our customers who is heading to the Washington Women's March on January 21st. She was hoping to purchase some of our Embrace Hope stickers to hand out to her fellow bus passengers. We sent the stickers at no charge, and thought it would be nice to send along some Kind Heart pins as well.
We learned in Wisconsin that protests really are an important piece of limiting what damage is done. The forces of open racism and open sexism have been intentionally set free by the rhetoric of this presidential election, and by the leadership proposed for the incoming administration. We believe that Kindness cannot sit down simply because anger has stood up. Without the spotlight and awareness protest brings, open sexism and racism will not be reined in. We all must work to support those with the strength and skills to successfully protest. They really are the front line in defending the goodness that makes America something special in the eyes of the world.
But as much as protest is key to maintaining the hard-won rights of so many that are very much at risk right now, protest alone will only take things so far. It's simply not enough to point and say "Can't you see what they’re doing here?" In the long run you have to offer people a better vision of the future, a vision they want more. This is where I think our Kind Heart pins can help.
If you are one of the many who have made plans to bus it on out to our Capitol for the Women's March, we would like to send some Kind Heart pins with you. Our supply at the moment is not unlimited, but while they last we would like to send three for each person on your bus—one to keep, and two to pass out as a thanks for kindness found along the road or in the capital. In the short term protest is key, but in the long run our compassion is our greatest strength.
If the idea of sharing Kind Heart pins with your fellow bus passengers appeals to you, please contact us at editor@penzeys.com. We could use an address to send them to, a head count of those going along, and what day you are planning to leave. And since we've created a bit of an angry buzz in the right wing media world recently, if you could add a couple of sentences about why you believe it's important to take the time and effort to attend the march, it would help us make sure our pins get to those actually taking part.
And even if our pins run out before we can meet all that are requested, I do want to thank everyone taking the time to travel to our capital and to all the other cities across the country where people are gathering to stand up for the rights of women, and to make it known that the majority of Americans do not want or accept the sexism at the heart of this last election. Your voices are so important right now. Thank you for standing up for the values of America.


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12001 W. Capitol Drive
Wauwatosa, WI | 53222

Spices at Penzeys
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I hope the corporate media focus several hours of coverage on "dress-shop-gate", rather than more pressing issues.
Thanks @Amy SF ! I have one right next to my Trader Joes and have always been curious because I've heard nothing but great things about their spices! I was afraid of the prices, but if they sell in bulk quantities I'll be able to try something new.
Any suggestions on a really special spice?
It feels good to patronize businesses that promote your ideals
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And this one is related to the Women's March on January 21. It's an email from a Wisconsin-based company called Penzey's Spices, which I encourage everyone to patronize.




I received a nice email last week from one of our customers who is heading to the Washington Women's March on January 21st. She was hoping to purchase some of our Embrace Hope stickers to hand out to her fellow bus passengers. We sent the stickers at no charge, and thought it would be nice to send along some Kind Heart pins as well.
We learned in Wisconsin that protests really are an important piece of limiting what damage is done. The forces of open racism and open sexism have been intentionally set free by the rhetoric of this presidential election, and by the leadership proposed for the incoming administration. We believe that Kindness cannot sit down simply because anger has stood up. Without the spotlight and awareness protest brings, open sexism and racism will not be reined in. We all must work to support those with the strength and skills to successfully protest. They really are the front line in defending the goodness that makes America something special in the eyes of the world.
But as much as protest is key to maintaining the hard-won rights of so many that are very much at risk right now, protest alone will only take things so far. It's simply not enough to point and say "Can't you see what they’re doing here?" In the long run you have to offer people a better vision of the future, a vision they want more. This is where I think our Kind Heart pins can help.
If you are one of the many who have made plans to bus it on out to our Capitol for the Women's March, we would like to send some Kind Heart pins with you. Our supply at the moment is not unlimited, but while they last we would like to send three for each person on your bus—one to keep, and two to pass out as a thanks for kindness found along the road or in the capital. In the short term protest is key, but in the long run our compassion is our greatest strength.
If the idea of sharing Kind Heart pins with your fellow bus passengers appeals to you, please contact us at editor@penzeys.com. We could use an address to send them to, a head count of those going along, and what day you are planning to leave. And since we've created a bit of an angry buzz in the right wing media world recently, if you could add a couple of sentences about why you believe it's important to take the time and effort to attend the march, it would help us make sure our pins get to those actually taking part.
And even if our pins run out before we can meet all that are requested, I do want to thank everyone taking the time to travel to our capital and to all the other cities across the country where people are gathering to stand up for the rights of women, and to make it known that the majority of Americans do not want or accept the sexism at the heart of this last election. Your voices are so important right now. Thank you for standing up for the values of America.


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12001 W. Capitol Drive
Wauwatosa, WI | 53222

Spices at Penzeys
I love Penzeys. The closest store to me, I believe, is in Northampton, Mass., a town I love for so many reasons, lol. I think their hot chocolate mixes are vegan, though I'm not sure, as I haven't gotten them since I went vegan. That said, the mint chocolate mix is great. I always add a Dandies marshmallow to a cup. :)
Seems like Penzeys site may have crashed:p I'm trying to sign up for emails!
got through. Their prices are high but reasonable for quality! They have a coupon for a free half cup of cocoa powder with $5 purchase!:)
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Well, republican vegetarians certainly wouldn't feel welcome here, no matter what they eat! Most people to the right of the leftist of the left are no doubt quickly nauseated and flounce.

I mean, valuing animals but refusing to value your fellow human beings is fairly hypocritical.

Do they still take issue with reporters attending their events?

A lot of BLM leaders are reporters.
Facebook provided well yesterday, or should I say.... it was golden? :p I laughed most of the day at the pee memes and puns, and they're still coming.

What did they expect? They voted for the candidate who said OUT LOUD during his campaign that he was going to repeal it. They made sure the Republican Party - the same party that tried to repeal the ACA at least FIFTY TIMES while Obama was president - kept majority control of both houses of Congress. The same people who have done NOTHING to come up with a replacement, because they're not interested in a replacement. They just wanted to get rid of something successful that the black guy they hate so much came up with just to f*** with him and his legacy.
Trump said he would get rid of Obamacare-not the affordable care act!!!
It's hard for me to appreciate the irony of people being bitten in the *** by their bigoted vote because I do genuinely believe in free health care for every person on the face of the Earth, to the point where I consider the fact that this isn't an integral part of our reality to be a massive failure of the human race to accomplish even the most basic of empathetic acts.
I laughed so much when he said he was a germaphobe.:lol:

The media must adore him!

Trump said he would get rid of Obamacare-not the affordable care act!!!

Maybe he will just rebrand it as Trumpcare and people will like it more.:D
Trump and care are two words I never thought I'd see in the same sentence let alone in the same word.
So looking at this unverified report on Trump it mentions Araz Agalarov as being a key liason for Trump in Russia, and someone who would likely know all about, and perhaps being involved in, Trump's alleged attempts to secure business in Russia using bribes and his sexual activities/use of prostitutes (if true).
I have been watching (reputable) programmes over here for the last couple of days about the DT thing and foreign advisor experts have been explaining what goes on in Russia with"honeypot" espionage. So, a Republican billionaire didn't want DT to be president and he gave money for the info on a dossier with salacious details on DT to a British spy and then he was also helped by extra money by rich Democrat fatcats? I think that is what they said today. :confused: It sounds like a plot to a bad film. It's so bizarre!:D

Then today I heard that the whole Russia thing is a smokescreen and that the US government want to have an axis of power with Russia against China as the main aim of the new government is to do with trade and imposing trade tarriffs on China.o_O I'm far too stupid to understand this whole thing. I have to say that I am completely confused about what the hell is going on over in the US!:p
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