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Rubio gave a very well thought out round of questions, I would hope not
This article is intentionally sprinkled with inaccuracies, and it's great:

Canadian trio 3 Doors Down have confirmed that they will play at the inauguration of noted racist Donald Trump next week in Washington D.C. The quintet, best known for hits like "Blurry" and "Last Resort," announced the news on Instagram this morning.
I just watched a programme where they were interviewing Piers Morgan, I think I mentioned before on here that he and DT are friends. He said he was the only Brit DT follows on twitter. He said that Theresa May (UK Prime Minister) should be looking to do a big trade deal with the US after Brexit.

Piers said his own ego is a 9 out of a scale of 1 to 10 and that DT's was 10.:p

Piers Morgan: Trump 'could be a incredibly popular president' - ITV News

ETA - I just saw Piers interviewed again, he was saying that DT said he loved twitter as he could bypass mainstream media and get his point across without spending a dollar. Piers was also saying that DT is very fit and doesn't smoke, drink or take drugs and only sleeps a few hours a night so that is why he tweets at random times. He apparently thinks of himself as being half-British because of his mother.

A politician over here made a joke about Trump tweeting at weird hours.:D

"Only drunks and sociopaths tweet at 3am. Mr Trump is a teetotaller."
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I just saw that whole debacle with Trump and CNN. The interview with Kellyann Conway was especially interesting, though I got fed up and stopped watching partway through.

Does anyone think that the press will eventually be silenced? I know that Obama shut out Fox news and nothing terrible happened because of it, but Trump seems to have a real hate-on for the media.
I doubt the press will eventually be silenced, but who can say for sure.

I read some history and whether it's Europe, China, or Latin America, civilisation seem to go through periods of opression and periods of relative enlightenment and freedom. We are currently in a period of enlightenment I would suggest. However history suggests progress is three steps forward and two back, and that periods of complete lack of freedoms can follow enlightened ones. It's possible that we could be starting a movement away from the current enlightened age to one of a darker age whereby 20 or 50 or 100 years from now terrible opression's like curfews, no press at all, no protection for minorities, suprression of intellectuals, become commonplace.

Clearly Trump is a small step in that direction. The chances are I think we will be back to normal in 4 or 8 years and it will just be a blip, but it's hard to say for sure, and important not to get complacent.
I doubt the press will eventually be silenced, but who can say for sure.

I read some history and whether it's Europe, China, or Latin America, civilisation seem to go through periods of opression and periods of relative enlightenment and freedom. We are currently in a period of enlightenment I would suggest. However history suggests progress is three steps forward and two back, and that periods of complete lack of freedoms can follow enlightened ones. It's possible that we could be starting a movement away from the current enlightened age to one of a darker age whereby 20 or 50 or 100 years from now terrible opression's like curfews, no press at all, no protection for minorities, suprression of intellectuals, become commonplace.

Clearly Trump is a small step in that direction. The chances are I think we will be back to normal in 4 or 8 years and it will just be a blip, but it's hard to say for sure, and important not to get complacent.

No. We will not allow this.

I just watched a programme where they were interviewing Piers Morgan, I think I mentioned before on here that he and DT are friends. He said he was the only Brit DT follows on twitter. He said that Theresa May (UK Prime Minister) should be looking to do a big trade deal with the US after Brexit.

Piers said his own ego is a 9 out of a scale of 1 to 10 and that DT's was 10.:p

Piers Morgan: Trump 'could be a incredibly popular president' - ITV News

ETA - I just saw Piers interviewed again, he was saying that DT said he loved twitter as he could bypass mainstream media and get his point across without spending a dollar. Piers was also saying that DT is very fit and doesn't smoke, drink or take drugs and only sleeps a few hours a night so that is why he tweets at random times. He apparently thinks of himself as being half-British because of his mother.

A politician over here made a joke about Trump tweeting at weird hours.:D

"Only drunks and sociopaths tweet at 3am. Mr Trump is a teetotaller."

Piers Morgan is a narcissistic dick, just like DT. I seriously doubt the guy entering the White House with the lowest approval ratings in history will be a popular president.
He had "scheduling issues" and that's why he's not going to the African-American History museum. Yeah, right.

What's he doing instead, interviewing the waitresses for the inauguration dinner to make sure they're all young and hot-looking?
The former British intelligence agent who compiled the salacious dossier detailing close links between Donald Trump and the Kremlin became very frustrated by the FBI’s failure to act on the information he had given the bureau. The former agent, who has been identified as Christopher Steele, “came to believe there was a cover-up, that a cabal within the Bureau blocked a thorough inquiry into Mr Trump, focusing instead on the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails,” reports the Independent, citing unnamed “security sources.” Steele, a former MI6 agent, was so worried about what he found out when he was doing opposition research that he decided British and American intelligence officials should have the information.

Steele, and a colleague in Washington, former Wall Street Journal reporter Glenn Simpson, were so flabbergasted by the FBI’s failure to do anything that they both continued looking into the allegations without getting paid.
Meanwhile, intelligence agencies around the world are reportedly looking into what are really multiple reports alleging Trump’s close ties to the Kremlin, according to two Israeli intelligence officers who spoke to BuzzFeed. And the salacious dossier, which was published by BuzzFeed earlier this week, is apparently not the only one making the rounds. “There have been various reports about Trump’s ties to Russia,” one of the Israeli intelligence officers said. “The dossier is one of them, but there are others, they make other allegations. Some are more specific, and some are less. You can trust me that many intelligence agencies are trying to evaluate the extent to which Trump might have ties, or a weakness of some type, to Russia.”

Former Agent Who Wrote Trump-Russia Memos Frustrated by Lack of FBI Action
Wow, look what Josh Tetrick of Hampton Creek did. I guess it was done before he became the president elect.

You can read the letter here: Dear Donald
I remembered something I heard the other day, a UK businessman was saying he met Trump after he won and DT was talking about how he wants to distribute wealth more evenly in the US.:confused:

Something else positive about DT I read a couple of days ago reminded that I had heard someone say a very similar thing on TV. A gay man on an American forum I'm on was saying that he worked for one of DT's companies and he really liked it as DT hires so many LGBT people. I don't know, I just keep thinking that he might not be completely evil.:p

Piers Morgan is a narcissistic dick, just like DT. I seriously doubt the guy entering the White House with the lowest approval ratings in history will be a popular president.

Piers Morgan is annoying, he made some comments about snowflake liberals that probably wouldn't go down too well on this forum, lol. I actually think he was being tongue in cheek anyway as he is part of the so-called liberal elite too.:D

I hope he is right about the trade deal.

ETA - I just checked the news for the first time today and that is exactly what he has promised, a quick trade deal with the UK.Donald Trump says UK 'doing great' after Brexit vote - BBC News
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