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I remembered something I heard the other day, a UK businessman was saying he met Trump after he won and DT was talking about how he wants to distribute wealth more evenly in the US.:confused:

I guess he means he wants to have some of Bill Gates' and Warren Buffett's cash for himself as a starter, we'll take care of the other 99.9% at the lower end of the income distribution at some other time.....

A gay man on an American forum I'm on was saying that he worked for one of DT's companies and he really liked it as DT hires so many LGBT people.

I often hear that DT's employees are full of praise for his care for them (NOT:mad:)
I don't have any way of knowing if that is true or if the people were telling the truth, I'm just saying what I've heard and read what some LGBT Americans have said about him as an employer.

What he said about the trade deal is probably going to be a psychological boost to the UK as Theresa May is going into Brexit negotiations. At this point I will take any good news as this could be a disaster!
Bruce Springsteen Cover Band Drops Out of Trump Inauguration Party


(Please note that the Will Forte mentioned in the article is not the same Will Forte who appeared on SNL and now stars in the Fox comedy "The Last Man on Earth".)

However, all is not lost for the Orange One. Famed arrested Pharma Guy and owner of one of the most punchable faces of 2015 Martin Shkreli has permission to attend the inauguration.

Martin Shkreli Gets Permission To Travel Outside Of NY To Go To Trump Inauguration - Breaking911
Eh, I've heard some good things about DT. For example, he is quoted as saying that invading Iraq was the worst mistake the US ever made. The problem is that I don't know if he really means what he says. He does have that habit of lying and contradicting himself.
Eh, I've heard some good things about DT. For example, he is quoted as saying that invading Iraq was the worst mistake the US ever made. The problem is that I don't know if he really means what he says. He does have that habit of lying and contradicting himself.

He got in late on that one, after mainstream politics figured out what a bad move it was.

Orange **** Jesus has this weird hypnotic charisma about him that can appeal to the worst in us. Don't let him convince you that he's got some secret political genius under his belt. A stopped clock is right twice a day, after all.
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He got in late on that one, after mainstream politics figured out what a bad move it was.

Orange **** Jesus has this weird hypnotic charisma about him that can appeal to the worst in us. Don't let him convince you that he's got some secret political genius under his belt. A stopped clock is right twice a day, after all.

The only thing he'll convince me of is how true that old saying is . . . the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
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Obama's really good with kids. I would think nonhuman animals would react well to him also. IME, they like calmness in humans, and Obama is about as calm as I've ever seen.
No one will notice in the article:

"unsubstantiated allegations" vs "hackers linked to Russian intelligence got into the DNC's servers..."

"This past week, news broke that U.S. intelligence officials had briefed Trump on unsubstantiated allegations that Russian operatives had gathered scandalous information on him or had had contacts with his advisers. But kompromat was a constant undercurrent in the campaign, too: National security officials say hackers linked to Russian intelligence got into the Democratic National Committee's servers and the gmail account of Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta to leak damaging information about her."
AK Press included this cool button with my latest purchase:

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