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From someone in DC for the march...
I'm here in DC on the ground as they say and I'm scared to death. The vibe in the city is that Civil War could break out at any moment. The trumpets are all over screaming at women in the streets and threatening anyone they can. At the same time we have more cops with guns than I've ever seen in my life. But they don't know what to do. Unless an actual fight breaks out they just look threatened by everyone. Protesters are in small groups and I worry for their safety. Until the March on Saturday when the numbers are large enough to have protection any small group could be eaten by bikers. Me and my friends are staying in until Saturday. The air is thick with fear.
Wish I could be at the march. It sounds dangerous and I really hope everything goes well. If violence erupts - and I'm really hoping it doesn't, for the sake of those who are there risking life and limb to protest this horror show - I can only hope that those on the receiving end are the ones that damn well deserve to be.

Yes he does. He thinks he is doing the right thing. The problem is that his idea of what's "good" is totally warped.


I think basically every human being believes that, at heart, they're doing good, given their own definition of good. Especially those as oblivious as **** Cheeto - those are the people who are even less likely to question their actions.

The critical issue comes from the fact that some people have a very selfish, destructive sense of what is good. If they won't retract their selfishness then there's nothing else that can be done for them and they can shove it as far as I'm concerned.

In essence, motivation doesn't matter in the slightest. Not on the big stage like this. If someone eats your sandwich in the work fridge and then apologizes later and says they didn't realize it was yours, you can probably manage to forgive them because it's not that big of a deal. But the sandwich is still eaten. And when we're talking things like the potential for genocide, virtual slavery, and even nuclear war, there isn't room for that benefit of the doubt. Either for the dictator or their supporters.
Also, note that there is a way to protest the inauguration from home.
  1. Don't watch it on TV. Unless you have a Nielsen box this probably doesn't matter that much, but it wouldn't hurt to tune in to something else anyways. If you have a Nielsen box then definitely tune in to something else, as opposed to turning the TV off. That hurts the ratings more.
  2. Stay away from social media for a bit. Not only will it save you a lot of stressing out about the state of things, it's also the most effective way to **** off the Orange One. Ratings these days are determined a lot by the attention internet content gets. Don't give the inauguration coverage any attention tomorrow, even if it's tempting to look at the train wreck as it happens.
Basically it comes down to the fact that this inauguration being hated is extremely demoralizing for Clump. The guy wants, needs, and promises big attention, superb viewership, a tremendous show, just so so good show, believe me. He's already resorted to blatantly lying his *** off about how 'big' it's going to be (the only name I even remotely recognize from his performance roster is Toby Keith and I'm a millennial). If the inauguration gets **** attention, he's going to lose it.
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Also, note that there is a way to protest the inauguration from home.
  1. Don't watch it on TV. Unless you have a Nielsen box this probably doesn't matter that much, but it wouldn't hurt to tune in to something else anyways. If you have a Nielsen box then definitely tune in to something else, as opposed to turning the TV off. That hurts the ratings more.
  2. Stay away from social media for a bit. Not only will it save you a lot of stressing out about the state of things, it's also the most effective way to **** off the Orange One. Ratings these days are determined a lot by the attention internet content gets. Don't give the inauguration coverage any attention tomorrow, even if it's tempting to look at the train wreck as it happens.
Basically it comes down to the fact that this inauguration being hated is extremely demoralizing for Clump. The guy wants, needs, and promises big attention, superb viewership, a tremendous show, just so so good show, believe me. He's already resorted to blatantly lying his *** off about how 'big' it's going to be (the only name I even remotely recognize from his performance roster is Toby Keith and I'm a millennial). If the inauguration gets **** attention, he's going to lose it.

Nielsen now uses data from DISH viewers as well.
Not sure this matters but I usually tape my soap operas and, obviously, they will be preempted so I'm going to remove the tape so it doesn't still record.
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It will be hard for me to stay off FB...
Also, note that there is a way to protest the inauguration from home.

Eh, I'm not bothering to watch it. I'll read it in the newspaper later. I can't stand listening to him talk.
(the only name I even remotely recognize from his performance roster is Toby Keith and I'm a millennial). If the inauguration gets **** attention, he's going to lose it.

All this time I've been picturing you as 10+ years older than me. Must be the name FortyTwo that gave me that idea :D
I find myself still being annoyed by the people screaming, "he's our president, accept it". It prompted me to look up acceptance vs resignation. So, ok...I'll accept it but I don't have to resign myself to the idea or even like it.

  1. the quality or state of being accepted or acceptable
  2. the act of accepting : the fact of being accepted : approval

  1. especially : to give (oneself) over without resistance <resigned herself to her fate
  2. to give up deliberately;especially: to renouce (As a right or position) by a formal act
Although I don't agree with the word approval. You can accept something you cannot change without approving it.
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I agree, it is a very interesting read.

My impression was, no matter how bad my opinion of Mr. Trump and my worries for the future already are (and that is "considerable" on both counts), after reading this article I feel even more worried ...

The article said:
Kruse: So, last question. At night, when it’s dark and it’s quiet and he’s not sleeping at the top of Trump Tower, do you think Donald Trump is worried that he’s in over his head?

Blair: Not in the least. No.

D’Antonio: I would say not in the least.

Blair: No, no. He’s like, “This is the best thing that’s ever happened.” He’s won the biggest contest there is. He’s got the world’s attention solid for the next four years.

D’Antonio: I think about how Obama has talked about the problem in Syria being one that made it hard for him to sleep and was something he considered every night and every morning. I don’t know that Trump has the ability to think that way. He’s focused on his performance as a ratings machine. So if he gets more Twitter followers and imagines himself to be a star when he takes the stage at press briefings or appears in ceremonial events, that will be enough for him. He’ll think that he’s a success.

Blair: When he’s awake at night, I don’t think it’s because he’s awed or concerned about the responsibilities on his shoulders. It’s because there’s somebody he wants to get even with and how are you going to do it.
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Anarchists have taken to the streets of D.C. The Guardian was liver-streaming the black bloc protest, but now they're showing inauguration stuff. Boring.
Something to contemplate now that Donald J. Trump is officially the 45th president of the United States of America:

Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day
To the last syllable of recorded time,
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.

- William Shakespeare, Macbeth, Act V, Scene V
I'm at work and even though I have a TV at my desk (and am a news junkie), I will not watch that buffoon take office. First time in a long time that I haven't watched an inauguration. I will read about what he says later. I cannot listen to him talk.
Yeah, I can't stand to hear him talk, or even look at his smirking face. We've been off TV news since the election.

I can't even watch Colbert, or any of my favorites. Can't laugh at anything about this guy. He's too dangerous.
I feel that the only way I can stay sane and not sink further into depression is by laughing at him.
Confrontation near parade route escalates, pepper spray used

I liked seeing this bit: Outside the International Spy Museum, protesters in Russian hats ridiculed Trump's praise of President Vladimir Putin, marching with signs calling Trump "Putin's Puppet" and "Kremlin employee of the month."

My DENY EVERYTHING hat & T-shirt are from the International Spy Museum! :p

Visualizations Related to Prominent Protests Surrounding Trump's Inauguration

Over 400 Women's Marches will be held in the US on Saturday
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BREAKING: Trump’s health nominee DOUBLES DOWN on cuts to social safety net


SIGN YOUR NAME: Condemn Trump’s Cabinet nominees >>

Trump’s nominee for Health & Human Services couldn’t guarantee that he wouldn’t cut Medicare funds.

Make no mistake: A Trump Administration is dangerous for our seniors.

We have to fight back.

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Are you watching this?!

Elizabeth Warren just GRILLED Tom Price, Trump’s Health & Human Services nominee, on Medicare.

And things got scary:

Price refused to say that he wouldn’t cut our Medicare funding.

That’s unacceptable.

To make matters worse, Price has dangerous conflicts of interest!

Senator Warren is right: This man has no business being in office.

We have to take a stand against his nomination.

Will you sign on and denounce Price and Trump’s other appointees?

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Acting together, we can provide the ACLU with the groundswell of support it needs to keep fighting for people's rights in courts, legislatures, and communities throughout the country. Trump has spoken of creating a deportation force, banning Muslim immigrants, restricting reproductive rights, curtailing free speech, and much more. We must ensure that whenever and wherever Trump acts to violate people’s rights, he faces a strong, principled, and unyielding opposition.

Each and every one of us needs to take a stand right now. Let’s fight back together for the rights we believe in.

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