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I think it's because I'm intimidated by large crowds. When you're a Highly Sensitive Introvert, it's scary. I was okay when I was younger, but it's gotten worse over time.

Well, I'm sure there will be more protests in the next four years. I remember participating in at least two* while Reagan was president. Wherever Trump goes, he'll most certainly draw protests. Let's hope so.

*One in 1980 before he was first sworn in and at least two during his presidency. One was a big one in Century City. I vaguely recall a sign at that one: "Nuke a gay whale for Christ" Satirical, or course. I (briefly) met Ron Kovic at the one in 1980.
Just got home from the St. Louis march. They were expecting 2,000, and the Post-Dispatch is putting the actual number between 11,000 and 13,000. Thousands take part in St. Louis Women's March, protesting Trump

Claire McCaskill was there (unexpectedly). For a while, she was marching immediately to our right.

We're very glad we went.
I think it's because I'm intimidated by large crowds. When you're a Highly Sensitive Introvert, it's scary. I was okay when I was younger, but it's gotten worse over time.

Ohhh, I know EXACTLY what you mean.... :sadnod: :hide:

But we can still resist & boycott & protest without the horror of being in a huge crowd! :up:
Ohhh, I know EXACTLY what you mean.... :sadnod: :hide:

But we can still resist & boycott & protest without the horror of being in a huge crowd! :up:
Right about that! I have my congressmen and senators numbers printed out. Not sure I could crowds either...
That's insane! Did he have a claim or some sort of excuse for it to go up?
I'm kinda scared--I'd so like to consolidate the zero interest credit I racked up into a home equity loan, but the low rates aren't fixed. I'll never do a variable interest!

I hope he can find a way to get that furnace fixed, or replaced. I hope the weather stays nice but you sure can't count on that. Is his plumbing PVC? Is it staying warm enough for that not to freeze?
That's insane! Did he have a claim or some sort of excuse for it to go up?
I'm kinda scared--I'd so like to consolidate the zero interest credit I racked up into a home equity loan, but the low rates aren't fixed. I'll never do a variable interest!

I hope he can find a way to get that furnace fixed, or replaced. I hope the weather stays nice but you sure can't count on that. Is his plumbing PVC? Is it staying warm enough for that not to freeze?
OFF-TOPIC: Heat-wise, the downstairs is staying warmer than with the furnace! One space heater in living room, sometimes one on in the small hall (angled into bathroom), there's one for the laundry room in the basement (metal water pipes), and one that I put on in the small hall upstairs (pointed at the cats' room) and that warm air circulates enough to heat up the spare room where I hang out.... the last three heaters mentioned all get turned off if no one will be present, the first stays on for Mojo... and all are run on low. Jerry's gonna wait until his next bill and if it's lower, he WON'T get the furnace fixed! LOL

BACK ON TOPIC... this is what happened:

How Donald Trump Just Raised Many Mortgage Bills | Fortune.com

Trump already suspends Obama-era FHA mortgage insurance cut
I predict the number of homeless people on America's streets will explode exponentially in the next four years...and a lot of them will have ordinarily treatable health problems.
Many of the pages on the White House's website were taken down Friday, shortly after Donald Trump's inauguration as president, including pages on LGBTQ rights, climate change and the Affordable Care Act.

However, those pages are still accessible online. Anything that was at WhiteHouse.gov under the Obama administration has been moved to ObamaWhiteHouse.gov. The plan to do so was announced earlier in the week.
I saw a photo of a sign at the D.C. march: "So bad, even introverts are here" :p
I should have gone to the Cleveland march. Really, if I thought it was going to be so warm I would have !
They put it as about 15,000 people
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