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I'm seeing essentially the same short news headline all over the internet; "Chicago March cancelled." It's well known that a lot of people only look at the headlines and don't read the actual stories. But you have to open the story and read it to learn that, while the MARCH was cancelled, the rally still went on. It seems to me like an attempt by the MSM to downplay the fact that the March was cancelled because thousands more people than expected showed up, and not, say, from a lack of interest, and that they still had a rally.
I have found that Internet headline writing is different from print headline writing. As a newspaper copy editor, the aim of headlines was to summarize, as accurately, objectively and cleverly as possible, what a story was about. Internet headlines seem designed to maximize clicks, regardless of their accuracy, objectivity or cleverness, because clicks mean money. I would like to think this headline was a ploy to get some Orange Menace supporters to read a story they might otherwise skip. :D They seem to reflect their guy by being the gloating type, so they might assume a march was canceled due to lack of interest, and thus would take great pleasure in seeing the opposition fail.
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Trump blocked The National Park service from tweeting after they posted a picture showing the low turnout for the inauguration. And later made them apologize for it and remove the post. Disgusting.
I was happy to see people posting on the apology, supporting them posting the truth.

National Park Service apologizes for tweets showing poor inaugural turnout
I am amazed at the audacity of the Orange Menace and his minions to lie like rugs. They don't even try to be subtle about. It's sad because so many people will remember the initial lie but not the debunking of it. It almost seems like a campaign to overwhelm the public with so many lies that the debunkers won't be able to catch up. And in the meantime, they will work secretly to bring their agenda to reality by keeping major news outlets busy chasing down these lies and the attention off of their heinous objectives.
"Alternative facts" is a thing now.
I was still sleeping when this happened, but "alternative facts"??? WTF!!?? The next four years are going to be such a challenge.
Apparently, Theresa May will be the first foreign leader to meet Trump after his inauguration. I would love to see what those two say to each other! British people were making jokes saying she should wear this top again when she meets him.

George W. seems so much better now then he did. When he was elected, both times, I was saddened, worried, angered, but I was able to discuss it with his supporters! I didn't worry for our freedoms as a whole, just the shift towards the conservative side. So different from how I feel now, that just worse every time he speaks.
I listened to George W's acceptance speech and it was so very --presidential. Rumps was so bad, it's very easy to feel the Russians are using him
When he was elected, both times,

He was only elected once. Round 2 was utter bullsh*t. :down:

And I could not STAND to listen to that idiot speak, let alone look at his stupid, smirking face. Anytime I saw or heard him, the channel/station was changed immediately. That guy is, was, & always shall be a world-class jackass.
Bush was terrifying, an absolutely awful person. But I think there's a point to be made that he didn't seem likely to start a nuclear war, and never actually did that.

It's f*cked up that my new standard for Presidents is "doesn't start a nuclear war" and **** Cheeto can't even live up to that.
He was only elected once. Round 2 was utter bullsh*t. :down:

And I could not STAND to listen to that idiot speak, let alone look at his stupid, smirking face. Anytime I saw or heard him, the channel/station was changed immediately. That guy is, was, & always shall be a world-class jackass.

Actually I'm convinced that both the 2000 and 2004 elections were stolen for Bush. He didn't seem to me to be the kind of candidate who could get enough enthusiastic votes on his own.
I didn't like Bush, he was a pawn who allowed terrible things to be done to this country and its people, but, I could listen to the people who agreed with them and not felt they should be put away in a mental hospital or jail. They had different perspectives than I did, and while I thought them wrong, I didn't find them delusional.
Or maybe I did at the time, doesn't seem like it now....
Kellyanne Conway is terrifying.
I don't even like dystopian movies
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He was only elected once. Round 2 was utter bullsh*t. :down:

And I could not STAND to listen to that idiot speak, let alone look at his stupid, smirking face. Anytime I saw or heard him, the channel/station was changed immediately. That guy is, was, & always shall be a world-class jackass.
I agree, but put him next to the Orange Menace and he looks like a Rhodes Scholar. :D
As Bill Maher said, he despised GWB and knew GWB despised him, but he was never concerned that GWB would try to get even with him, no matter what Maher might say that was derogatory about GWB. DT is a different matter entirely.
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