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We went today too, and I'm soooo tired. The walk to and from the car was longer than the actual march. :p

It rained on and off but we had the plastic dollar store raincoats, which was good since we didn't make signs and we were able to write on the raincoats. :)

It was really great, inspiring, and hopeful to see so many people come out, and it was fun reading all the signs. So much creativity.

I may torture you all with small video clips after I get around to uploading them to my computer. :D Right now I'm too exhausted (and my legs feel like rubber) to do much of anything.

ETA: No wonder we couldn't find a nearby parking space. The estimate was 40,000 at our march. (I didn't take the picture).
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I didn't go to the LA March. :cry: I don't know why. I'm so pathetic. :cry:

Well, I'm sure there will be more protests in the next four years. I remember participating in at least two* while Reagan was president. Wherever Trump goes, he'll most certainly draw protests. Let's hope so.

You're right, I'm sure there will be more and you should definitely go next time. It was very crowded, but everyone was nice, and they were all there for more or less the same reason. :)
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I get the feeling a lot of folks haven't really seen the American police force in action. It's very easy to fall into this "not all cops" mindset when you consider a cop to be a small town detective with a nuclear family who goes golfing on the weekends or something.

Anyway, here's our police force crashing a protest and pepper spraying the **** out of disabled people in full riot gear.

Movements against the police aren't about every police officer in the country being an inhuman monster, they're about the fact that the police have become nothing less than a paramilitary organization designed to efficiently and brutally shut down any opposition to the status quo, however peaceful, however correct. Making individual police officers feel fuzzy and warm for being One of the Good Ones is antithetical to the necessary criticism that this institution deserves, and sets back progress by humanizing this kind of behavior.
I haven't really read that much about Trump since I watched the inauguration, but he was really sniffing again during his speech. I think he has had too many spray tans to the face and it has permanently clogged up his nose.
I haven't really read that much about Trump since I watched the inauguration, but he was really sniffing again during his speech. I think he has had too many spray tans to the face and it has permanently clogged up his nose.

The late, great Carrie Fisher said that it was totally a cocaine thing, for what it's worth.
The late, great Carrie Fisher said that it was totally a cocaine thing, for what it's worth.

That is what I thought last time he was sniffing, but I thought he was meant to be a teetotaler?!

Actually someone on TV said something funny yesterday, that as Trump is a teetotaler he should become a tweetotaler and get off twitter.
Hey, everybody, I just got back from a marathon day at the DC Women's March. It was amazing, inspiring, electrifying and energizing. I chanted things in English and Spanish and marched my butt off. I found out through Facebook that several friends and former work colleagues took part as well. I will elaborate later, as I need sleep. I also will share some pics if you are interested. Some of the signs were so funny and creative. What a day, what a day. There remains much to done, but yesterday was a good start.
Hey, everybody, I just got back from a marathon day at the DC Women's March. It was amazing, inspiring, electrifying and energizing. I chanted things in English and Spanish and marched my butt off. I found out through Facebook that several friends and former work colleagues took part as well. I will elaborate later, as I need sleep. I also will share some pics if you are interested. Some of the signs were so funny and creative. What a day, what a day. There remains much to done, but yesterday was a good start.

I wish I could upvote this a million times.

And damn right we want to see pics! :D
Anyone else thinking that, considering the temperament and personalities of the current administration, things are being done to intentionally get a rise out of the non-supporters because I do. I picture them sitting there laughing at how some people are going crazy across the internet. This is why I'm going to try and be as non-reactive as possible, especially when it comes to information being blasted over FB. Like I don't want to give them the satisfaction. Maybe because I will flip out, otherwise. Can't imagine what the next four years is going to do to my anxiety. It's bad enough as it is. I feel like we're back in grammar school.
I'm seeing essentially the same short news headline all over the internet; "Chicago March cancelled." It's well known that a lot of people only look at the headlines and don't read the actual stories. But you have to open the story and read it to learn that, while the MARCH was cancelled, the rally still went on. It seems to me like an attempt by the MSM to downplay the fact that the March was cancelled because thousands more people than expected showed up, and not, say, from a lack of interest, and that they still had a rally.
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The sign at our march that got to me the most was carried by a young woman: "During my rape, when he 'grabbed my pussy', it wasn't 'locker room talk'".
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On just his second day in office, President Trump has already scored a major achievement.

The nation’s physical fitness improved greatly Saturday as hundreds of thousands of demonstrators poured onto the National Mall to march in defiance of the newly installed Tweeter of the Free World. Crowds swelled in Los Angeles and other cities, too, and around the world, on what became an international day of cardiovascular health.

Massive turnout in D.C. for the women's march, and Trump doesn't seem thrilled
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Trump and his time are lying/exaggerating and saying that good crowds turned up, when in fact it was obvious from photos and all evidence that this wasn't the chance. It's interesting to note that they will lie even about pointless minor irrelevant details that can easily be proven to be a lie. Yet another reminder that we cannot trust them on anything.
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