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As Bill Maher said, he despised GWB and knew GWB despised him, but he was never concerned that GWB would try to get even with him, no matter what Maher might say that was derogatory about GWB. DT is a different matter entirely.

Dubya's administration was a sham that knew it was a sham and tried to pretend it wasn't a sham out of fear of embarrassment or retribution. The notion that they had to keep up appearances kept them in check and stopped them from doing half the outrageous **** the (then new) neo-con right was coming up with.

Cheeto's team doesn't seem to have a similar sense of shame keeping them in check. It's like Dubya was a first try, it worked, and now they legitimately just don't give a ****. It's unchecked stupid. Once you have the President's actual campaign manager going on the air and referring to something false as "alternate facts" you've crossed a line that really shows you're not interested in putting on appearances, just in doing heinous **** because you can and because it's personally convenient for you.
Some photos from inside the St. Louis march:
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It was cool. There were entire families there, old people, young people, people with different skin tones, people in wheelchairs, babies in stroller, dogs....

The first person we encountered was a man at the metro station. He said it was his first protest march since marching against the war in Vietnam, and he was wearing the same jacket he had worn back then (army fatigue).

One of my favorites was a very tall young man with a beard, carrying a sign that said, "This is what a feminist looks like." Another young man, heavily muscled, with full sleeve tattoos, was wearing a shirt that said "Feminism is the novel notion that women are human beings." A white woman was carrying a sign that said, "Sandra Bland will not be forgotten." A lot of Black Lives Matter signs, and signs listing the names of some of the black men killed by police in recent years. One woman had a sign with a picture of a grizzly and the words "Apparently, grizzlies are the #1 threat to the American education system."

Everybody was super nice. One of the articles I read described the crowd in D.C. as "sunny", and that was certainly true in St. Louis too.

That made it into an uplifting experience, but I hope that will not be seen as weakness in a political arena where our opponents revel in meanness.
von Keyserling “reached in from behind to place his hand between her legs and pinch her in the groin area,” according to the police arrest warrant. She threatened to hit him if he tried to pinch her again, and he replied, “It would be your word against mine and nobody will believe you,” according to the warrant.

Police say that the incident was caught on security camera and that the footage is consistent with the events the woman described.

Von Keyserling’s lawyer told Greenwich Time: “There was a playful gesture, in front of witnesses. It was too trivial to be considered anything of significance. To call it a sexual assault is not based in reality.”
Connecticut GOP Politician Arrested After Pinching Woman’s Genitals
Yeah, and this country just elected a president who did the same thing, repeatedly, and bragged about it.

My blood was boiling then, too. Actually not sure it's been anything less than a light simmer in months, because every day brings something new and more horrific and I just keep wondering how he still has a single supporter left, and then I remember that the world is terrifying and we're probably in a period in history that will be studied extensively in schools in 60 years.

But this one in particular got to me a little more than most of the other stuff from the last week. Maybe because it wasn't Trump himself (because he just doesn't surprise me any more, he just continues to be exactly as awful as I expect), maybe because it was so bold and blatant, and a move clearly designed to terrify and silence, maybe because I can relate to being grabbed (as so many other women can)... I don't know. It just got me. I am tired of all of this, I've been tired for the longest time, and it's only just beginning.
My blood was boiling then, too. Actually not sure it's been anything less than a light simmer in months, because every day brings something new and more horrific and I just keep wondering how he still has a single supporter left, and then I remember that the world is terrifying and we're probably in a period in history that will be studied extensively in schools in 60 years.

But this one in particular got to me a little more than most of the other stuff from the last week. Maybe because it wasn't Trump himself (because he just doesn't surprise me any more, he just continues to be exactly as awful as I expect), maybe because it was so bold and blatant, and a move clearly designed to terrify and silence, maybe because I can relate to being grabbed (as so many other women can)... I don't know. It just got me. I am tired of all of this, I've been tired for the longest time, and it's only just beginning.

Oh, I know. I've been battling absolute despair since the election, and wasn't feeling so hot before, seeing the direction such a sizable percentage of my fellow humans are going.
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