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^^^ I initially thought, "What??!!!... Rock is pretty left-of-center, I thought... and that pic doesn't look like him..." and then realized I was confusing Kid Rock and Chris Rock.
My roommate and I plan to be a part of history.
It's considered a sister march to the one in DC. :D

Are the women's marches also attended by a good number of men, or is that pretty rare? Are almost all feminists in favour of men turning up to the matches in support of feminism, or does it vary quite a bit?

What about marches for say, Black Lives Matter. Do they encourage white people to turn up and march with them and support them, or could this create any friction?

I don't think I've ever intentionally attended a march. I've certainly been caught up in a few by accident.
I've never attended a march either, but it is apparent everyone supporting the cause is welcome.
the black lives matter protests in cleveland were quite diverse, as well as those in support of planned parenthood and opposing the abortion restrictions
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Are the women's marches also attended by a good number of men, or is that pretty rare? Are almost all feminists in favour of men turning up to the matches in support of feminism, or does it vary quite a bit?

What about marches for say, Black Lives Matter. Do they encourage white people to turn up and march with them and support them, or could this create any friction?

I don't think I've ever intentionally attended a march. I've certainly been caught up in a few by accident.
Yes! Everyone is welcome at the woman's march.

I can't speak for BLM, but I would imagine everyone supporting their cause would be welcome.
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What about marches for say, Black Lives Matter. Do they encourage white people to turn up and march with them and support them, or could this create any friction?
I've not seen a #BlackLivesMatter chapter encourage, nor discourage, white people from attending a #BlackLivesMatter function.
I'm pretty sure I would react the same way to meeting Barack or Michelle. :(
And she isn't talking about helping him the election.
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