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This keystone pipeline could be an opportunity for a big protest to be arranged?
His administration is certainly pumping out executive orders like nobody's business. I think any debate over whether or not he was going to actually get anything done is pretty much settled, and that's bad news.

Expect to see this country become worse and worse by the day as the worst people are enabled. I'm in an adamantly liberal area half the time so I don't have too much to worry about yet. We are making plans to leave the country if things get bad enough though.
I'm not a fan of the rebuttal. It smacks of condescension. She also talks about herself way too much. Good luck getting the other side to react positively to that. And I say that as someone who supports the women's marches.
I guess that went over my head, even though I,too, cringed at some of it but I thought it was just me and the fact that I'm older, more sheltered. I think most of it was well said.
I guess that went over my head, even though I,too, cringed at some of it but I thought it was just me and the fact that I'm older, more sheltered. I think most of it was well said.
It doesn't matter how well she says things if she ends it all with "I even marched for you, Christy. Even if you don’t feel like you need anyone to march for you." Christy will see that as being condescending as hell (which it is), and it completely undoes whatever progress she may have made in getting through to someone. I mean, I don't blame the author for being angry (and her response is definitely passive aggressive). I just don't think her response will appeal to anyone besides herself and the people who agree with her already.

Maybe I just noticed it because I have waaaay too much experience dealing with loose canons. I'm pretty good at seeing what makes people tick, knowing how to appeal to their way of reasoning, etc. in order to save my own ***.
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It doesn't matter how well she says things if she ends it all with "I even marched for you, Christy. Even if you don’t feel like you need anyone to march for you." Christy will see that as being condescending as hell (which it is), and it completely undoes whatever progress she may have made in getting through to someone. I mean, I don't blame the author for being angry (and her response is definitely passive aggressive). I just don't think her response will appeal to anyone besides herself and the people who agree with her already.

Maybe I just noticed it because I have waaaay too much experience dealing with loose canons. I'm pretty good at seeing what makes people tick, knowing how to appeal to their way of reasoning, etc. in order to save my own ***.
I just re-read it. I understand what you're saying. :)
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I guess that went over my head, even though I,too, cringed at some of it but I thought it was just me and the fact that I'm older, more sheltered. I think most of it was well said.

I dont really mind being around swearing and swear a lot myself though try and curb it a bit..

I just thought some of the language was on the nose and I guess I could say I found it triggering in a sense... Im not really sure why though but I can be sensitive to some things.
I dunno, I usually consider rebuttals like that to be helpful for the people who might be undecided who are reading it. It's sort of not a priority of mine whether or not it was a nice reply to the person in the first place.

Also I think there's a decent argument to be made that someone with an attitude like that deserves condescension. But I understand where you're coming from.

And I of course understand the idea of harsh language (and a lot of really explicit sexual references) being upsetting. Don't feel bad for not wanting to read graphic accounts of sexual assault if it bothers you. :hug:
I think in a way even though it is a Womens March, in many ways it is a march against austerity. I think many people in America are not as aware of it as people in Europe as it is not discussed in the media like it is in Europe. Even in NZ austerity is not discussed here either, but our shithead of an ex-PM went on an overseas TV news show and boasted about the "wonderful austerity program" he was running in New Zealand.

I remember thinking "WTF?" when I saw the clip as it had never been mentioned by him or any other politician in NZ that there was an austerity program running, all we knew is that we were all getting poorer and poorer and our public services were becoming very run down despite paying high taxes...

and according to the politicians and the media this poverty was the fault of the people...

For those who like in NZ and Australia dont really understand what the whole austerity thing is, it is kind of like a new-wave eugenics program... its aim is to make some people really really poor, so that some people commit suicide, some become homeless, and some disappear.

The hallmark of these austerity programs is privatisation of whatever public services exist.. also you will see politicians running ponzi schemes. An example of these is the housing bubbles that are happening in Vancouver, London, Sydney and Auckland..

those are Ponzi schemes which are being run by governments... also another example of a Ponzi Scheme is the sub-prime housing crisis that happened in 2008 in America.. many people lost their houses but there were people who made a hell of a lot of money from the crisis....

that is the purpose of a Ponzi scheme, to shift money upwards into the pockets of those at the top of the scheme... and also this is the reason for the "growing wealth and inequality gap" articles you have been reading...

So I think that the people on the march are sensing all this and want things to change. Hard when we have been blinkered and lied to for so long.
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I don't even know what social class I belong to anymore. I grew up in a middle class home, and my parents are well off (not rich, but doing well), and I'm college/university educated, yet I've been struggling to support myself for years. I've gone without health care due to costs (we don't get free dental health checks here anymore or free eye exams), and yeah basically just am forced to be frugal all the time. So I don't even know where that puts me. lol.

There is a thread on here about class if you want to check,:D actually this is the calculator I saw on the BBC.BBC News - The Great British class calculator: What class are you?

I think in a way even though it is a Womens March, in many ways it is a march against austerity. I think many people in America are not as aware of it as people in Europe as it is not discussed in the media like it is in Europe. Even in NZ austerity is not discussed here either, but our shithead of an ex-PM went on an overseas TV news show and boasted about the "wonderful austerity program" he was running in New Zealand.

I remember thinking "WTF?" when I saw the clip as it had never been mentioned by him or any other politician in NZ that there was an austerity program running, all we knew is that we were all getting poorer and poorer and our public services were becoming very run down despite paying high taxes...

and according to the politicians and the media this poverty was the fault of the people...

For those who like in NZ and Australia dont really understand what the whole austerity thing is, it is kind of like a new-wave eugenics program... its aim is to make some people really really poor, so that some people commit suicide, some become homeless, and some disappear.

The hallmark of these austerity programs is privatisation of whatever public services exist.. also you will see politicians running ponzi schemes. An example of these is the housing bubbles that are happening in Vancouver, London, Sydney and Auckland..

those are Ponzi schemes which are being run by governments... also another example of a Ponzi Scheme is the sub-prime housing crisis that happened in 2008 in America.. many people lost their houses but there were people who made a hell of a lot of money from the crisis....

that is the purpose of a Ponzi scheme, to shift money upwards into the pockets of those at the top of the scheme... and also this is the reason for the "growing wealth and inequality gap" articles you have been reading...

So I think that the people on the march are sensing all this and want things to change. Hard when we have been blinkered and lied to for so long.

Yes, I think so too. I think certain groups have not seen any difference in their living standards since the crash, but some have been hit hard. There is a lot of anger and resentment.
I just saw this on another forum, I laughed at number 4.

If the democrats were smart and/or had any balls they would simply accuse Trump of something every other day on the house or senate floor (or some other way that gets good news coverage) that gets him mad like:
1) he's a sexual predator
2) he got less votes than Clinton
3) he has small hands, or *****, f*ckit
4) say how he had sexual relations with putin
5) etc.

It doesn't have to be true, just say it. Then he'll spend four years (or less) just being mad and fighting with folks via twitter/press conferences and won't do much.

Ha, one of the comments under the article. They're only pro-life from conception to birth. After that, you're on your own.
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