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How many days before President Pence? | Opinion

So far, I was one of those saying "Don't impeach Trump - Pence is even worse" ... but I am no longer sure about that.
Better a hard-nosed, evil, anti-LGBT, cross-carrying Republican than an impulsive child that might push the red button if insulted...

Hmm, living in a theocratic world of thought police, or living in a nuclear wasteland. Really hard to decide...
I no longer think that getting rid of the cheeto is in any way a bad idea.

Take away the yammering orange figurehead and you're left with evil policy. Policy that can be fought without risking the entire Earth based on one man's **** temper.
I no longer think that getting rid of the cheeto is in any way a bad idea.

Take away the yammering orange figurehead and you're left with evil policy. Policy that can be fought without risking the entire Earth based on one man's **** temper.
I agree, I think the world will be safer with Trump out, and I won't wonder if we're at war when I wake up in the morning, but Pence will be harder to fight. He won't be rattled by protesters or marches, or distracted by how popular he is at any given moment.
I agree, I think the world will be safer with Trump out, and I won't wonder if we're at war when I wake up in the morning, but Pence will be harder to fight. He won't be rattled by protesters or marches, or distracted by how popular he is at any given moment.

That's a good point, but he's also way less of a loose cannon. I think it'd be easier to pressure him into acting rationally because he'll be expected to rationally justify his policies and maintain a good public image as a politician.

Honestly, it's hard to tell. You could be totally right. We'd just have to see. Either way I think getting the cheeto out is for the best.

One thing I will always be worried about though, and which I think ties into what you were saying a bit, is protestors getting burnt out by the immense relief of having him gone and then not protesting Pence at all. It's very easy to march against someone as obviously and blatantly evil as Lord Dampnut.
I'm reading that the new security adviser, McMaster, is a very competent person, and a surprising choice. He may be able to avert some of the worst disasters that Trump might otherwise create for the country / world.
Even now it’s not clear that the majority of conservatives were put off by Yiannopoulos’s comments, just that the firestorm had gotten a little too uncomfortable. Looking at it this way, the shocking thing isn’t that Yiannopoulos was invited. It’s that CPAC felt pressured to drop him.

CPAC’s Identity Crisis
Milo also lost his book deal.

From Roxane Gay:
In canceling Milo’s book contract, Simon & Schuster made a business decision the same way they made a business decision when they decided to publish that man in the first place. When his comments about pedophilia/pederasty came to light, Simon & Schuster realized it would cost them more money to do business with Milo than he could earn for them. They did not finally “do the right thing” and now we know where their threshold, pun intended, lies. They were fine with his racist and xenophobic and sexist ideologies. They were fine with his transphobia, anti-Semitism and Islamophobia. They were fine with how he encourages his followers to harass women and people of color and transgender people online. Let me assure you, as someone who endured a bit of that harassment, it is breathtaking in its scope, intensity, and cruelty but hey, we must protect the freedom of speech. Certainly, Simon & Schuster was not alone in what they were willing to tolerate. A great many people were perfectly comfortable with the targets of Milo’s hateful attention until that attention hit too close to home.
I can't believe how many people are defending him. He's using every excuse imaginable for what he said, so far he's posted: he was tired and rambling, didn't express himself correctly, taken out of context, creatively edited, and that it's fake news. He's blamed the book deal and speaking cancellations on the Republicans, the far left, and the #nevertrump group.
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