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I think the word "Deplorable" is not strong enough, by far ... :mad:

Conservative activists refuse to believe Trump is spending more on travel than Obama

The Article said:
Similarly, Arthur Herstein, 74, a writer from Bowie, Maryland, said he was frustrated by Obama’s “over-the-top” vacation and travel expenses.

Still, Herstein said he doesn’t believe it’s the case that Trump is on pace to spend more on vacation and travel. He waved away a Washington Post story held up on a reporter’s phone.

“I believe that the story exists,” Herstein said. “But the facts in it can’t possibly be right. That absolutely can’t be right. How did Trump spend $10 million in one month and Obama spent $11 million in a year? It defies logic.”


Of course, the idea that Trump and his supporters are frustrated by the media is nothing new. But some CPAC attendees’ distrust of even government institutions ran strikingly deep.

“I don’t trust the bookkeepers. I don’t trust the people who say, ‘This president spent X, and this president spent y,’” said Roy Postel, 58, a real estate developer from near Chicago, Illinois. “The whole bureaucracy is against Trump, so I’d like to know who is getting greased to tell us what Obama spent. I wouldn’t trust anyone with an estimate of what the Trump administration has spent on travel.”
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The WH barred the NYTimes, CNN, Politico and other news outlets from the WH briefing. Time and the AP refused to participate, in protest.

This is how dictatorships start cracking down.
The WH barred the NYTimes, CNN, Politico and other news outlets from the WH briefing. Time and the AP refused to participate, in protest.

This is how dictatorships start cracking down.
This relentless campaign against the media is frightening. I am not sure there are enough people who can see this for what it is, and that scares me.


IMO, the only correct answer to the questions by the DHS goons to an American citizen with a valid passport would be "That's none of your f*****g business!"

But I can understand that in that situation, people would accept the insult simply out of fear of the authorities, and specifically out of fear what might happen in the future if those authorities became interested in them. If you are alone in an interview room with an officer, it might be only a short way to a charge of "obstruction" or, even better, "Assault on a Law Enforcement Officer" (e.g. if the interviewed person uses his face to attack the officer's fist or similar).

Police state in he making.

IMO, the only correct answer to the questions by the DHS goons to an American citizen with a valid passport would be "That's none of your f*****g business!"

But I can understand that in that situation, people would accept the insult simply out of fear of the authorities, and specifically out of fear what might happen in the future if those authorities became interested in them. If you are alone in an interview room with an officer, it might be only a short way to a charge of "obstruction" or, even better, "Assault on a Law Enforcement Officer" (e.g. if the interviewed person uses his face to attack the officer's fist or similar).

Police state in he making.

It's been pointed out to us by various observers over the years that in other countries, such as France, the authorities are afraid of the people, but here in the US, the people have been trained to be afraid of the authorities. That's why black kids are now taught the mantra: "Hands up, don't shoot!" and white people condemn all black people who don't act like scared sheep as "thugs" and "terrorists".
pretty hard. I don't know what to say to them to defend my position. :(
Perhaps you could say it makes a lot more sense to fix the ACA than to throw it away without any kind of replacement? Because that is going to hurt a lot of people, too.
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