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Perhaps you could say it makes a lot more sense to fix the ACA than to throw it away without any kind of replacement? Because that is going to hurt a lot of people, too.

Making sense is not part of the Republican vocabulary, especially where Democrats and black people are concerned. In other words, the Republicans have been trying to get rid of the ACA since it was first introduced, just because it's Obama's program. They still want to get rid of it, just because they're creeps.
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These are all UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Please don't let this happen. Contact these so-called lawmakers and tell them this. Americans have the right to peaceably assemble. It's in the first amendment. You can't punish someone for something they might do.

Blocking highways, property damage, and threatening people ARE NOT peaceful. I've been on more protests than I can count and managed to never do any of those things. No one in our group did. Ever.
Blocking highways, property damage, and threatening people ARE NOT peaceful. I've been on more protests than I can count and managed to never do any of those things. No one in our group did. Ever.

So you advocate forcing everyone to give up their constitutional freedom to assemble peacefully just because a tiny minority does something stupid? Because that's what you're suggesting with your comment. Punish the people who actually commit crimes, not everyone who wants to protest the government. Because that's the intention behind these bills. The Republicans want to crack down on everyone who has the nerve to criticize Trump, the government, and Republicans in particular.
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Blocking highways, property damage, and threatening people ARE NOT peaceful.
Blocking roads and highways is peaceful. Property damage is not peaceful. Punching Nazis isn't peaceful either, but you're not supposed to be peaceful towards Nazis. Stay away from World War II history books and Captain America comic books if harming Nazis bothers you.
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Wolfie's just gonna bring up that clickbaity stuff about the child who died because protestors didn't budge out of the way. Let's not forget that the vast majority of the time, protestors let emergency vehicles through, and that the police tend to take advantage of this.

That being said - if your method of protest really does endanger innocents, you're not doing anyone any favors. There is no greater good if you're hurting innocent people anyway.
Let's not forget that the vast majority of the time, protesters let emergency vehicles through, and that the police tend to take advantage of this.

Blocking roads and highways is peaceful.

Not everyone experiencing an emergency is in an emergency vehicle. Further, people have appointments and commitments they need to keep, responsibilities, new possibilities (job interview, etc) that will be disrupted, at best. Blocking a roadway should be considered a crime.

Just because there is no property damage or overt violence does not make it peaceful if it causes serious disruption to others who need to get from point A to point B to complete the responsibilities of their daily lives.

It is essentially no different than strikers blocking access to a building.

Further what good does it do to block the access to a road of people who may or may not have any involvement with the issue being protested? Wouldn't it simple make more sense to go directly to the source and block a congressman's access to their jobs?

Blocking road access is a tactic that will ultimately earn the protesters more detractors than supporters.
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Blocking road access is a tactic that will ultimately earn the protesters more detractors than supporters.
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This has been talked to death on here, so I'll just say this: shutting **** down is a great way to make your discontent obvious and to make those in power want to avoid it from here on out.
I am highly against protesters blocking roads and airports however, i don't have anything against protesting , i think something needs to be done to calm peoples anger and behavior before it gets any better, as for Trump, i disagree with him of repealing the ACA - a lot of people will suffer from losing that health coverage, just today we had to battle public aid for my medicade spend down, they are saying two people that makes 1,500 a month or around that range is too much for them they are full into themselves.
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