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as for Trump, i disagree with him of repealing the ACA

Just a question ... does that mean you agree with him banning Muslims from the US, spending 50 billion $ more on the military, building a wall on the border to Mexico, and deporting all undocumented immigrants?
Just a question ... does that mean you agree with him banning Muslims from the US, spending 50 billion $ more on the military, building a wall on the border to Mexico, and deporting all undocumented immigrants?

It wasn't a ban on Muslims it was 120 something or more days hold too figure out who was safe. What's wrong protecting our country? I grew up if you were not legal to be living here you should not live here more then certain amount of days.
I'm scared for everyone whose skin isn't white, and for white people who wear clothing associated with Islam.
The media is feeding everyone lies that everyone is not welcomed. It's the bad people they want out and illegal people.
I have been a welcoming person but when you aren't legal any color or religion then you have to go through to get legal or else ..
The media is feeding everyone lies that everyone is not welcomed. It's the bad people they want out and illegal people.
I have been a welcoming person but when you aren't legal any color or religion then you have to go through to get legal or else ..
I disagree that the media are feeding everyone lies. While no one, including the media, is perfect, I'm tired of the media taking the heat for trying to report on what is really happening in this country. And what is happening is not pretty. White supremacists and racists are emboldened by a leader who has to be prodded into denouncing hate crimes of all kinds that are happening all over the country. Just the past week or so there was the shooting in Kansas, the desecration of gravestones at Jewish cemeteries, bomb threats to Jewish community centers...the list goes on. These are real occurrences, not made-up stories by the media. Ignoring them will not make them go away.

The assault on the credibility of the media by the Orange Menace and his minions is just Step 1 on the fascism path. He blatantly lies and continues to babble about the "fake news" and the media being the enemy of the people. He wants all dissent silenced. That's not how we roll in this country. Free speech (the right to question/criticize the government without fear of reprisal) is guaranteed by the First Amendment -- end of story. He has no right to silence the masses.
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It wasn't a ban on Muslims it was 120 something or more days hold too figure out who was safe. What's wrong protecting our country? I grew up if you were not legal to be living here you should not live here more then certain amount of days.
Those people he banned were here legally and had already been through numerous background/security checks. Trump himself called it a Muslim ban.

If he's trying to keep us safe from terrorists, why didn't he ban anyone coming from Saudi Arabia where 19 terrorists have come from and killed thousands of US citizens? Why did he ban people from Syria where we have had zero terrorists come from? He didn't ban anyone from Egypt where 11 terrorists have killed over 100 US citizens, yet he banned people from Libya where zero terrorists have come from. The other countries he banned? Zero Americans have been killed by anyone from those countries in a terrorist attack.

He only banned countries he wasn't doing business with and making money off of. His ban was financially and politically motivated, and not in any way related to U.S. security.

Here's a good article showing where the terrorists come from and how many Americans have been killed.
Where America's Terrorists Actually Come From
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I disagree that the media are feeding everyone lies. While no one, including the media, is perfect, I'm tired of the media taking the heat for trying to report on what is really happening in this country. And what is happening is not pretty. White supremacists and racists are emboldened by a leader who has to be prodded into denouncing hate crimes of all kinds that are happening all over the country. Just the past week or so there was the shooting in Kansas, the desecration of gravestones at Jewish cemeteries, bomb threats to Jewish community centers...the list goes on. These are real occurrences, not made-up stories by the media. Ignoring them will not make them go away.

The assault on the credibility of the media by the Orange Menace and his minions is just Step 1 on the fascism path. He blatantly lies and continues to babble about the "fake news" and the media being the enemy of the people. He wants all dissent silenced. That's not how we roll in this country. Free speech (the right to question/criticize the government without fear of reprisal) is guaranteed by the First Amendment -- end of story. He has no right to silence the masses.
Yes i had a phone call come in on my phone while i was typing i had more to say but i had forgotten, There are some media that is out there too make up stories and to ruffle up stories, the president signed something too protect Americans why is it wrong to protect Americans from terriosts??
I hate it when protestors shut down roads and things like that and I immediately want them to lose whatever battle they are fighting for, even if I don't need to use the roads. I also immediately lose interest in whatever it is they are protesting about.

Unfortunately, things like that get more media attention and more government response than more peaceful and less controversial protests. So, the real fault may lie with the media and government in the way they handle these issues rather than the protestors.
Blocking roads and highways is peaceful. Property damage is not peaceful. Punching Nazis isn't peaceful either, but you're not supposed to be peaceful towards Nazis. Stay away from World War II history books and Captain America comic books if harming Nazis bothers you.
And don't forget about Indy....

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I hate it when protestors shut down roads and things like that and I immediately want them to lose whatever battle they are fighting for, even if I don't need to use the roads. I also immediately lose interest in whatever it is they are protesting about.

Unfortunately, things like that get more media attention and more government response than more peaceful and less controversial protests. So, the real fault may lie with the media and government in the way they handle these issues rather than the protestors.
That's what I was referring too.. there has been a ruckus that mainstream media had done and caused people to do crazy stuff.
People needs to start relaxing and settle down and figure out why things were signed.
Not everyone experiencing an emergency is in an emergency vehicle. Further, people have appointments and commitments they need to keep, responsibilities, new possibilities (job interview, etc) that will be disrupted, at best. Blocking a roadway should be considered a crime.

Just because there is no property damage or overt violence does not make it peaceful if it causes serious disruption to others who need to get from point A to point B to complete the responsibilities of their daily lives.

It is essentially no different than strikers blocking access to a building.

Further what good does it do to block the access to a road of people who may or may not have any involvement with the issue being protested? Wouldn't it simple make more sense to go directly to the source and block a congressman's access to their jobs?

Blocking road access is a tactic that will ultimately earn the protesters more detractors than supporters.

Agreed 100%. Also, I don't need to post some "clickbaity" article off the Internet to prove a point. I live near interstate I-80 mentioned in this article. It's a major route to the university hospital from here and also to the vet university hospital. I know actual people who were stuck in that mess needing to get to the hospital quickly. Sure, you can send your relative by ambulance which the protesters so kindly "allowed" through (of course slowing the ambulance down in the process), but you have to go by private car to meet them there. Nothing like getting stuck by a bunch of idiots and not knowing if your relative will still be alive when you make it to the hospital. Also, there are no emergency vehicles for pets, so if you need to get to to the vet hospital in a timely manner, you're on your own without flashing lights. If you block me getting my relative, friend or pet where they need to be, I will show you what unpeaceful means. By all means protest away. I'm all for protests even if I don't agree with your views. But stay the hell out of the streets and don't damage property.
It wasn't a ban on Muslims it was 120 something or more days hold too figure out who was safe. What's wrong protecting our country? I grew up if you were not legal to be living here you should not live here more then certain amount of days.

Trump asked for a ‘Muslim ban,’ Giuliani says — and ordered a commission to do it ‘legally’

“How did the president decide the seven countries?” she asked. “Okay, talk to me.”

“I'll tell you the whole history of it,” Giuliani responded eagerly. “So when [Trump] first announced it, he said, 'Muslim ban.' He called me up. He said, 'Put a commission together. Show me the right way to do it legally.' "

There it is, right from the mouth of the guy who set it up. Don't fall for the rhetoric - this is a ban on Muslims, with the veneer of protection from terrorists as a way to justify it.

Even statistically, going off cold hard facts, this ban does not protect us. It overlooks countries where actual terrorists have come from - countries where the cheeto happens to have business ties - and includes countries for no reason other than that they are majority Muslim.

This is one hundred percent without a doubt an attack on Muslims and it being struck down is nothing but a good thing.
Agreed 100%. Also, I don't need to post some "clickbaity" article off the Internet to prove a point. I live near interstate I-80 mentioned in this article. It's a major route to the university hospital from here and also to the vet university hospital. I know actual people who were stuck in that mess needing to get to the hospital quickly. Sure, you can send your relative by ambulance which the protesters so kindly "allowed" through (of course slowing the ambulance down in the process), but you have to go by private car to meet them there. Nothing like getting stuck by a bunch of idiots and not knowing if your relative will still be alive when you make it to the hospital. Also, there are no emergency vehicles for pets, so if you need to get to to the vet hospital in a timely manner, you're on your own without flashing lights. If you block me getting my relative, friend or pet where they need to be, I will show you what unpeaceful means. By all means protest away. I'm all for protests even if I don't agree with your views. But stay the hell out of the streets and don't damage property.

For the record, I don't disagree with your logic here - anyone looking out for the wellbeing of those in danger has to be alright in my opinion - I just think what you're describing doesn't happen nearly often enough to be a reason not to shut **** down as a method of protest.

I also want to say that IMO it's not so much "don't damage property" as it is "if you're gonna damage property make sure it's the right property." Breaking **** that belongs to evil people who are using it to do harm is totally fine in my book.
It wasn't a ban on Muslims it was 120 something or more days hold too figure out who was safe.

I understand that this is the information you would hear on many American news sources.

Are you aware that all those refugees who have a valid visa to come to the US already have had 2 years of vetting including multiple interviews with the Department of Homeland Security behind them?

Refugees are already vigorously vetted. I know because I vetted them.

The Article said:
When I started, DHS officers interviewed four Syrian or Iraqi refugee cases per day; they now interview only two per day to accommodate the range of questions and safeguards that have been added to the process. While the average wait time for refugee resettlement is 18 to 24 months, Iraqis and Syrians typically wait several years.

I find it a bit over the top to say "We know nothing about them and we need to find out more"
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