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You mean like these radical Muslims? Yes, that's a 5 year old little girl in handcuffs.

I am happy that they could stop this horrible radical muslim and get him off his plane to the US in Rejkjavik, Iceland, just in time.

British Muslim teacher denied entry to US on school trip

He is an English citizen and works as teacher, and was accomanying his class on a school trip to the US. I am sure he would have done something horrible and nefarious had he been admitted to the US, e.g. showed his pupils a museum or even worse...

I mean, what has the world come to if some countries are already so compromised that they allow muslimic radicals to infect innocent schoolchildren with their radical muslimic thoughts???
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There may or may not be many different avenues for movement work that lead to better results than retaliatory violence, but what is undeniable is that retaliatory violence in and of itself is not the problem. Those who resort to violence in response to oppression have often already been denied these avenues...

It is the right of the people who bear the brunt of society’s violence to have the most say in determining appropriate responses to it.

Take back the House by supporting your local Swing District <---- Sign up & check to see if there's a Swing Left "House" Party happening near you! I know there's one happening close by in Midland this weekend, but none of us will attend. I told my folks, though, that they should talk with their close (Dem.) friends and think about organizing one of these things here in town! :)
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Very interesting article written by an elderly, white, Christian lady, who is an acclaimed Australian childrens book author, who was invited to a conference in the US, and who could experience the attitude of the US Border guards first-hand:

Detained by US immigration: 'In that moment I loathed America' | Mem Fox

What I found most remarkable is this statement of the author (emphasis added by me):
WHOA. I grasp that fear can bring out the worst in people, and 9/11 was traumatic for almost all of us in the U.S., but Mem Fox's account shows what over-reaction can be like.
Couldn't something be done for the illegals who have been here for years, who are living a peaceful, productive life, like make it easier for them to work and pay their fair share of taxes, instead of having to hide and work off the books? Maybe then people wouldn't be so against them being here and "supposedly" getting benefits for free and taking them away from "real" Americans? Too naive of me?
Couldn't something be done for the illegals who have been here for years, who are living a peaceful, productive life, like make it easier for them to work and pay their fair share of taxes, instead of having to hide and work off the books? Maybe then people wouldn't be so against them being here and "supposedly" getting benefits for free and taking them away from "real" Americans? Too naive of me?

The Dems (and some Republicans) have been wanting to develop a path toward citizenship for these folks for years, and then the ultra conservatives scream bloody murder.
The Dems (and some Republicans) have been wanting to develop a path toward citizenship for these folks for years, and then the ultra conservatives scream bloody murder.
This. Almost every "amnesty" proposal has been met with stiff conservative opposition.
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