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How to Participate in the March 8th Women's Strike

Taking the day off from paid work is only the beginning. Planned to coincide with International Women's Day, the organizers request that participants engage in one or all of the following actions on March 8, as listed on their website:

  • Women take the day off, from paid and unpaid labor
  • Avoid shopping for one day (with exceptions for small businesses and businesses owned by women and minorities)
  • Wear red in solidarity with A Day Without a Woman
I seriously applaud everyone taking part in the strike today. At the same time, it's important to remember with stuff like this that being able to go on strike and be assured of your continued survival after the fact is kind of a privilege, just like brand boycotts (or the vast majority of approaches to veganism for that matter). So don't be upset with those who don't participate in the protest.

(This isn't in response to anything in the thread in the slightest by the way. Just rambling.)
As for Lord Dampnut, well, we're gonna have to adapt to dealing with a different animal. It seems they're figuring out how to hold him back, and are trying desperately to get their **** together in a collapsing White House. We can't let them do that.

Remember to keep talking about the horrific legislation that's being passed. Repeal of the ACA will kill thousands of people, full stop. Thankfully, it seems like if it's going down, it's not going down without a fight, both from liberals and conservatives who have just now realized how disastrous a total rollback of the law would be. And the replacement bill is the worst kind of joke, to the point where no one even wants the public to see it. There's all sorts of weird subterfuge ******** going on with that particular issue.

It's tempting to feel like we've won because there have been a few victories and displays of solidarity but this fight has barely even started. Every sign points to insidious legislation coming back in full force and more able to hold up in court. The new Muslim ban is a lot more organized, a lot less blatantly unconstitutional, and will appeal a lot more to moderates who just want bipartisan compromise even at the expense of the most vulnerable people in our society. Keep calling your representatives. Ask them what they're gonna do about it. It's still a Muslim ban, just a tidier one.

We're gonna be seeing a lot of this I think. Cheeto introduces some hideous thing, it gets shot down, Bannon or whoever whips up a sneakier one and tries to push it past the outrage, meanwhile we get distracted with some media circus like the wiretapping claims (real strategic timing there for something that is just going to make a lot of noise and then go away soon enough) and let ourselves get tired enough where we stop fighting where it actually matters, about things that are harder to sum up and parody on social media than the typical orange ridiculousness.
I seriously applaud everyone taking part in the strike today. At the same time, it's important to remember with stuff like this that being able to go on strike and be assured of your continued survival after the fact is kind of a privilege, just like brand boycotts (or the vast majority of approaches to veganism for that matter). So don't be upset with those who don't participate in the protest.

(This isn't in response to anything in the thread in the slightest by the way. Just rambling.)
We are on deadline at work, and my not showing up would seriously screw over several good people, not to mention possibly endanger my job at a time when layoffs are coming. I think retaliation would result, and I can't afford not to work. I can, however, refrain from shopping and wear red.
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And now, some stunning photos from around the globe for International Women's Day.... :clp:


I LOVE the Fearless Girl statue!! But they're only keeping it for one WEEK?! :wtf:Guess I shouldn't be surprised.... :brood:

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A while ago I mentioned this woman posted a whole bunch of pro-Trump, racist garbage on FB. I ended up meeting her. She comes across as friendly and nice in person, but I couldn't bring myself to talk to her more than necessary. It's such a huge turn-off, knowing someone holds those views.
Email from Swing Left.... :up:

Wow wow wow.

When we all look back next November, we’re going to remember what happened last weekend. That was the moment this collective experiment became a movement.

Swing Left volunteers hosted more than 600 house parties across the country, and over 10,000 of you showed up to take part. (Scroll down for some of our favorite pics and reports from the field.)

Don’t worry if you weren’t able to make it to an event. Here’s what you need to know:

One of the first items on every agenda was simply getting up to speed with basic information about your Swing District.

But we didn’t just share ideas and discuss strategy. The most important part of these house parties is that we started putting action on the calendar. From door-to-door canvassing events to voter contact activities in high-traffic areas, Swing Left volunteers aren’t waiting around. This kind of work—one-on-one conversations with voters— is the most effective way to influence the outcome of an election.

That’s why we’re asking everyone to support local efforts by visiting your Swing District once a month—starting out with the goal of recruiting volunteers and registering voters.

Check out the calendar on your team's District Resources Page and sign up to join an event near you.

Or, if you’re up for it, host your own door-to-door canvass or high-traffic area voter contact event in your Swing District that others can join.

We hope to see you out there in the coming weeks!

Ethan, Adrienne, Matt, and the Swing Left Team

P.S. Here’s just a taste of the highlights from our March 4th house party weekend, including a mosaic of all the house party pics you posted. You can find a whole lot more on Twitter and Instagram.

Aside from the obvious discrimination of this ban, the economic impact could be significant as well. I heard a report on the radio yesterday that projections for travel to the U.S. have dropped sharply since the initial ban was announced. If people think the U.S. is unwelcoming to non-Americans, they could take their tourism dollars elsewhere. There are so many other businesses besides travel that rely on tourism money. So much for getting the economy on track.
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"Beware the law of unintended consequences." Both sides of the political aisle can forget about this, but IMO Republicans lawmakers, in their zeal to punish people they don't like and reward their own, can be especially clueless.
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Keystone pipeline won't have to use American steel

Guess who's supplying the steel instead? A Russian oligarch.
Which Russian oligarch? I saw this in the article you posted:

"According to a memo issued by the company in 2012, TransCanada asserted that roughly half of the pipe used to build Keystone would be manufactured in the U.S., with another quarter coming from Canada, and much of the rest from Italy and India. The memo also said the company "planned to purchase approx. 90% of "all other goods" for the $7.6 billion project from companies on the North American continent."

And I looked up the CEO of TransCanada, and he's Canadian.
Which Russian oligarch? I saw this in the article you posted:

"According to a memo issued by the company in 2012, TransCanada asserted that roughly half of the pipe used to build Keystone would be manufactured in the U.S., with another quarter coming from Canada, and much of the rest from Italy and India. The memo also said the company "planned to purchase approx. 90% of "all other goods" for the $7.6 billion project from companies on the North American continent."

And I looked up the CEO of TransCanada, and he's Canadian.
Evraz (a Russian company with subsidiaries in both Canada and the U.S.) is a major supplier of the steel being used to build the Keystone pipe. Evraz is co-owned by Abramovich, who is one of the richest men in Russia.
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