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Rachel Maddow has Trump's tax return. It's from 2005, but since she's announcing it, I hope that means there is something good in it.

Just watched that tonight! Maddow's definitely on Trump's chopping block.
GO, MADDOW, GO!! :hh:

She's now got the highest rated cable news show. Even above Fox. Right on.... :up:
Some of the alt accounts think the tax stuff was to draw attention away from the 400 million dollar deal with China. They think one of the Trump clan leaked it, especially since there hasn't been a single word or tweet from any of them.
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Aside from the obvious discrimination of this ban, the economic impact could be significant as well. I heard a report on the radio yesterday that projections for travel to the U.S. have dropped sharply since the initial ban was announced. If people think the U.S. is unwelcoming to non-Americans, they could take their tourism dollars elsewhere. There are so many other businesses besides travel that rely on tourism money. So much for getting the economy on track.

My husband and I have both said we're not setting foot in the US at the moment. We've postponed the trip to New York we were planning for next year.
Trump Just Announced Plan To End ‘Meals On Wheels’ For Seniors

I have to say, this is the cruelest so-called president I've ever seen in my lifetime. He'd rather take meals away from hungry seniors - the people who overwhelmingly voted for him - than help them, just so he can throw money at his buddies in the defense industry. He makes me sick.
Trump Just Announced Plan To End ‘Meals On Wheels’ For Seniors

I have to say, this is the cruelest so-called president I've ever seen in my lifetime. He'd rather take meals away from hungry seniors - the people who overwhelmingly voted for him - than help them, just so he can throw money at his buddies in the defense industry. He makes me sick.
He's also screwing them over with this proposed health care plan. It would pretty much penalize older, sicker Americans on fixed incomes with much higher premiums. They won't be able to afford it.
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