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There are some media that is out there too make up stories and to ruffle up stories, the president signed something too protect Americans why is it wrong to protect Americans from terriosts??

Well, here's the catch.

To answer your earlier question, no, there is nothing wrong with wanting to keep your country safe from terrorists.

But take a look at this informative graphic:

It shows the countries from which terrorists came who committed terror attacks in America and the number of victims they killed.

Once you have done that, please consider for yourself how an executive order blocking citizens of these countries will make Americans more safe.

Very interesting article written by an elderly, white, Christian lady, who is an acclaimed Australian childrens book author, who was invited to a conference in the US, and who could experience the attitude of the US Border guards first-hand:

Detained by US immigration: 'In that moment I loathed America' | Mem Fox

What I found most remarkable is this statement of the author (emphasis added by me):

Mem Fox said:
That’s the heartbreak of it.
Remember, I wasn’t pulled out because I’m some kind of revolutionary activist, but my God, I am now.

I am on the frontline. If we don’t stand up and shout, good sense and good will not prevail, and my voice will be one of the loudest.
A commenter on Buzzfeed just pointed out that Trump will eventually have a presidential library. Ain't THAT a kick in the pants. :yuck: I don't think he's ever actually been inside a library.
I was surprised by how normal he sounded! It made me laugh when he said he wanted an end to "trivial fights", ha, the irony.

How the US press reacted to Trump's Congress speech | US news | The Guardian
I didn't actually watch the speech because I just couldn't bring myself to do it. That said, I've listened to/read reports about it and while he reportedly toned down the rhetoric, I can't get behind some who say that he's turned a corner. I think what might have happened is that he actually listened to some advisers not named Bannon who've been trying to get him to behave more "presidentially." He is like a child. He will be "good" for an hour or a day, and then it will be back to the same old nonsense. He talks out of both sides of his mouth. He finally said something about the Kansas shooting and the attacks and threats against Jewish community centers and cemeteries, but earlier in the day he apparently suggested that Jews themselves were responsible for some of the threats. I can't believe a word that comes out of his mouth most of the time.
I didn't actually watch the speech because I just couldn't bring myself to do it. That said, I've listened to/read reports about it and while he reportedly toned down the rhetoric, I can't get behind some who say that he's turned a corner. I think what might have happened is that he actually listened to some advisers not named Bannon who've been trying to get him to behave more "presidentially." .

He was shockingly coherent, although I assume he didn't write the speech himself. I read this on another forum::D

Trump gives one speech off a teleprompter ("I don't use teleprompters", Trump says in 2016 while criticizing Hillary Clinton for using them. "They make everything easy."), manages to stay on-message and stay composed, doesn't rant and rave like a lunatic, doesn't talk about his hotels, doesn't drool all over himself or insult the handicapped/POWs/minorities, and... suddenly... he's "presidential".
He was shockingly coherent, although I assume he didn't write the speech himself. I read this on another forum::D

Trump gives one speech off a teleprompter ("I don't use teleprompters", Trump says in 2016 while criticizing Hillary Clinton for using them. "They make everything easy."), manages to stay on-message and stay composed, doesn't rant and rave like a lunatic, doesn't talk about his hotels, doesn't drool all over himself or insult the handicapped/POWs/minorities, and... suddenly... he's "presidential".
Lol, seriously, the bar was so, so low that anything short of the usual would be seen as an improvement/step in the right direction.
Normal Muslims are still welcome . There is a Muslim worship center near my mom. They are saying that the ban is a vetting.
I hope things gets solved soon . Warmer weather is coming we don't want too much protesting and ruining summer events.
Normal Muslims are still welcome . There is a Muslim worship center near my mom. They are saying that the ban is a vetting.
I hope things gets solved soon . Warmer weather is coming we don't want too much protesting and ruining summer events.

You don't want protesting to ruin your summer, is that it? Oh, you poor dear. :rolleyes: I suppose Muslims being prevented from entering the US just because they're Muslim will have a nicer summer than you will because of all that protesting going on.


We can't let terrorists masquerading as doctors barge into the country and do something really, really awful, like take someone's pulse or diagnose a disease, now can we?
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You don't want protesting to ruin your summer, is that it? Oh, you poor dear. :rolleyes: I suppose Muslims being prevented from entering the US just because they're Muslim will have a nicer summer than you will because of all that protesting going on.


We can't let terrorists masquerading as doctors barge into the country and do something really, really awful, like take someone's pulse or diagnose a disease, now can we?
That's not what I was going about however,there is lots to protest about in this country.
The well behaved not radical ones
You mean like these radical Muslims? Yes, that's a 5 year old little girl in handcuffs.


Or like this man's brother?

Or maybe this professor who was deported?


These are the people and families being deported, not terrorists.
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They are saying that the ban is a vetting.

And - can't stress this enough - they are lying. There are already procedures for vetting in place, and they're over the top to begin with. The vast, vast majority of terrorist attacks in the US are committed by Christian white men, and those committed by Muslims are usually people who were born here.

I hope things gets solved soon . Warmer weather is coming we don't want too much protesting and ruining summer events.


Look, I'm just gonna be blunt here - I don't care if protestors ruin your summer leisure. In fact, I hope they do, because you are clearly not paying enough attention to the things that need to be given attention. You and me having a good 'ol nice time is a billion times less important than literal threats to peoples' lives and safety.

Aren't Christians supposed to be unselfish? From what I've seen your whole schtick on this forum has been to embrace the good in Christianity while pushing away extremist Conservative values and rhetoric. I respect that. Now you seem to be doing the opposite - embracing the fear-mongering tactics of the mainstream right wing and pushing away reasonable and deserved criticism of the way they impact people. Please, make an effort to read the stories of people impacted by these awful policies. Try standing in their shoes. Their fear isn't that their opportunities for picnics and warm days at the park are ruined, it's that they're going to have their lives taken away or snuffed out entirely.
Oprahs now realizing she was far more qualified. I concur.
Clean air, unadulterated food, water, safety, animal welfare, human welfare all take a backseat, if that, in this administration. Money equals unabashed ownership, and any petty requirements of sustainability be dammed.
He's gonna bring coal jobs! Yeah cancer! He'll give the FDA freedom to test on animals and provide drugs sooner than ever! Just sign away your rights to sue if you're damaged for life. Maybe they'll bring back human volunteers as test subjects since they won't be able to afford them
You'll be able to find lots of jobs on farms. No more sneaky Mexicans stealing those jobs from hard working Americans.
What? nothing on medicaid or social security? Oh well,, he promised....
Look look, a black girl who succeeded in a better school! Whoda thunk? More evidence to allow the money from working people to be used by those who can afford better to begin with! Do people really forget private schools cost more?
And what - have "the blacks" become a subset of America? Again? Needing someone to save them from themselves? So resourceful- making their own colleges!
Those muslims better behave-more extreme Christians for the win! They're what made America great don't forget, they sure won't.
54 billion to fund more missions like Yemen, now there's job security
Never before in my life have I witnessed people getting ahead that are so blatently, proudly, racist, sexist, thieving, treasonist liers. Yes, I'm aware it's Washington we're talking about. Even Nixon tried to hide
Even W Bush denounces it
Aren't Christians supposed to be unselfish?

That hit me. I grew up strict Catholic, hated every second of it, and I never understood how the most self-righteous Christians could call themselves such, being so "un-Christ-like".... what I was taught was that Jeebuz accepted EVERYONE.

Where's the love, b*tches??? :weird: Of course, those in the know are aware that Christians are also taught to FEAR.... :tinfoilhat:
and those committed by Muslims are usually people who were born here.

Indeed. That is exactly the reason why it makes a lot of sense (to them) to start questioning American muslim citizens who are traveling abroad about their personal belief when they come back.

US border agents ask Muhammad Ali's son: 'Are you a Muslim?'
A NASA Engineer Was Required to Unlock His Phone at the Border

That there is a document called "the constitution" that explicitly forbids such things is, well, inconvenient, but obviously not insurmountable in a police state.

To begin with, even if you look at the number of Americans killed by native American muslim terrorists (yes, those exist), it seems that those are not as big a danger as toddlers with guns. Now guns, of course, are one thing that is REALLY protected by that earlier mentioned constitution, and GUN rights can, of course, not be infringed upon as easily as personal rights like freedom of religion ...
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