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How Fake News Tricks Your Brain

"Motivated reasoning is the idea that we are motivated to believe whatever confirms our opinions.

“If you’re motivated to believe negative things about Hillary Clinton [or Donald Trump], you’re more likely to trust outrageous stories about her that might not be true,” Waytz says. “Over time, motivated reasoning can lead to a false social consensus.”
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I like Bill Maher. :rolleyes:
I used to watch, it was just too much full-of-himself-Bill all the time & I got sick of him. That happens a lot with me. :rolleyes: I used to be falafel-crazy and haven't made the stuff in almost a year, probably. :p LOL
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The AI revolution is coming, and Donald Trump isn't ready for it

Vox said:
Two weeks ago, President Trump gave a speech at the American Center for Mobility in Detroit. I tuned in expecting he’d say something about how his administration plans to regulate the fully self-driving cars that Ford and others have vowed to introduce by 2021.

But Trump didn’t mention self-driving technology once in his speech. Instead, he promised a “new future of automotive leadership” that focused on relaxing environmental regulations and protecting American autoworkers from foreign competitors.
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