For the record: the thing they repealed was a set of regulations that were yet to take effect, but would've been a win for privacy.
So companies have exactly as much access to and right to sell your browsing data as before, no more and no less. But this has certainly emboldened them.
From what it seems lately, this administration is shaping up to have hilariously little legislation power, which is just about the best outcome we could expect. Any legislation they try to pass is immediately and vigorously opposed. Both Muslim bans have been struck down pretty quickly, and the health care fiasco is the most embarrassing thing I've ever seen the Republican Party attempt to do in my short life (and I remember the shutdown very well. Also, Sarah Palin).
Everything points to the next fight being around Planned Parenthood. If we keep voicing our dissent to the media and our local governments, then we should be on the right track to oppose measures to cut off its funding.