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Republicans repeal ISP privacy rules which means they can sell your online browsing history

I was wondering if it would make sense to refer to the US Republican party by any other moniker than "The forces of Evil", but I could not come up with a better one... every single day they work ceaselessly to oppose anything normal people would consider decent (not that I would consider myself to be "normal people", that is).
Someone suggested raising money to buy the browsing history of the members of congress, and then make it public. I like that idea.
Does anyone know if the NY Post is any more reputable than The NY Times?


Well, I personally would not exactly call the NY Post "reputable".

Sorry, could not find this on youtube, so only available to Facebook users...

In a nutshell: Directly after the stabbing of Mr. Caughman, he (the victim) was characterised by the NY Post as a "career criminal" (which had no bearing at all on the fact that he was attacked and murdered for being black) and "combative" to police officers as he was dying, while the racist killer was described as "a sharp dresser" and other positive characterizations.

I would rather trust the NY Times than the NY post.

Also, the 1999 Columbia Journalism review survey of 100 newspapers put the NY Times in the #1 spot, with the NY post not being anywhere in the first 35 places.

Newspaper quality rankings
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The NY Post is a prime example of yellow journalism. A step up from the National Enquirer, but not much of a step.
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Ok good...I have to respond to someone who challenged me and I'm never secure in doing so. This helps.
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For the record: the thing they repealed was a set of regulations that were yet to take effect, but would've been a win for privacy.

So companies have exactly as much access to and right to sell your browsing data as before, no more and no less. But this has certainly emboldened them.

From what it seems lately, this administration is shaping up to have hilariously little legislation power, which is just about the best outcome we could expect. Any legislation they try to pass is immediately and vigorously opposed. Both Muslim bans have been struck down pretty quickly, and the health care fiasco is the most embarrassing thing I've ever seen the Republican Party attempt to do in my short life (and I remember the shutdown very well. Also, Sarah Palin).

Everything points to the next fight being around Planned Parenthood. If we keep voicing our dissent to the media and our local governments, then we should be on the right track to oppose measures to cut off its funding.
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My uncle shared this with me... I'll share it with you... perhaps you all can do a little sharing of your own.... :up:

An open world begins with an open mind:

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The latest Russia election bombshell totally destroys Trump's Obama wiretap claims

The article said:
According to an anonymous source with "knowledge of the meeting," Comey pitched the idea of writing an editorial about what the U.S. intelligence community now says was a concerted Russian intelligence effort to throw the elections in favor of President Donald Trump as early as June or July 2016.

wrote other senior national security officials as well as officials in former President Barack Obama's White House shot down the idea, saying it would be improper for Comey to weigh in before a concerted effort could be mounted by multiple agencies.
Things are getting more and more interesting.

Am not really getting my hopes up very much.
The wording of his attorney's letter does not suggest to me that he wants to expose any kind of wrongdoing on his or somebody elses part.
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