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After Flynn's request for immunity, the media seems to be convinced that "this is the end" for Trump.

Trump has demonstrated a knack for beating the odds. Has the media learned nothing?

I think it's very premature at this point to call the undertaker
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TRUMP: And then TIME magazine, which treats me horribly, but obviously I sell, I assume this is going to be a cover too, have I set the record? I guess, right? Covers, nobody’s had more covers.

TIME: I think Richard Nixon still has you beat. But he was in office for longer, so give yourself time.

TRUMP: Ok good. I’m sure I’ll win.
Is this something we (the average person/consumer) really need to worry about?
My concern is that they could have access to health information, financial information and God knows what else that is simply none of their business. There is so much business conducted online, even medical stuff in which people have online portals set up by a physician or a lab where you can get test results and whatnot. I don't want them snooping around my bank account or track what I buy or look at. The argument is that the ISPs want to compete for ad money with Facebook and Instagram, but those two platforms are optional; if you want internet, you have to choose an ISP, and there aren't a lot of options in most areas. I guess I am going to have shore up security as much as possible or just unplug. I haven't had my smartphone for very long; I'm almost tempted to go back to a prepaid TracFone for calling and texting only and just keep it in the car for emergencies and maybe go back to a landline.
My concern is that they could have access to health information, financial information and God knows what else that is simply none of their business. There is so much business conducted online, even medical stuff in which people have online portals set up by a physician or a lab where you can get test results and whatnot. I don't want them snooping around my bank account or track what I buy or look at. The argument is that the ISPs want to compete for ad money with Facebook and Instagram, but those two platforms are optional; if you want internet, you have to choose an ISP, and there aren't a lot of options in most areas. I guess I am going to have shore up security as much as possible or just unplug. I haven't had my smartphone for very long; I'm almost tempted to go back to a prepaid TracFone for calling and texting only and just keep it in the car for emergencies and maybe go back to a landline.
I've already gone ahead and switched to Opera which has a built in VPN, and added the HTTPS everywhere extension. I used the article Andy_T posted below to set it up.
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I do remember these days although I was young. I remember the blankets of smog.
What America Was Like Before the EPA Existed (PHOTOS)

Picture of smoggy L.A.
Egypt's president is a bloodthirsty dictator. Trump thinks he's done a "fantastic job."

The article said:
This is Sisi’s first official state visit to Washington as Egypt’s president. That’s because although the US has long viewed Egypt as a vital strategic ally in the Middle East, President Obama steadfastly refused to meet with the Egyptian strongman over concerns about serious human rights abuses carried out by Sisi’s security forces — including torture, mass detention, and forced disappearances of journalists, aid workers, activists, students, and Islamists.

Egypt's dictator murdered 800 people today in 2013. He's now a US ally and GOP folk hero.

Truth be told, the Obama administration had failed to condemn that massacre and upheld cooperation with Egypt. :mad:
It is only now, however, that Mr. Sisi finally gets his full "honors" as a slayer of Muslim protestors.

The Article said:
It's difficult to know which is more shameful: the Obama administration's decision to hold its nose and cynically partner with Sisi, thus actively aiding in his rule, or a growing trend among elements of the Republican party to not just support Sisi but to lionize him as a folk hero.

To be clear, the Republican embrace of el-Sisi is not universal. True neoconservatives in the party, including Sen. John McCain and presidential candidate Marco Rubio, have taken authentically principled positions against Sisi. In late 2013, for example, Rubio sponsored legislation to further suspend aid to Egypt. Earlier this year, a bipartisan group of seven senators, including Rubio and McCain, signed a letter to Kerry urging him to pressure Sisi on human and political rights abuses.
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