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A Trump campaign aide who argues that Democrats committed “ethnic cleansing” in a plot to “liquidate” the white working class. A former reality show contestant whose study of societal collapse inspired him to invent a bow-and-arrow-cum-survivalist multi-tool. A pair of healthcare industry lobbyists. A lobbyist for defense contractors. An “evangelist” and lobbyist for Palantir, the Silicon Valley company with close ties to intelligence agencies. And a New Hampshire Trump supporter who has only recently graduated from high school.

These are some of the people the Trump administration has hired for positions across the federal government, according to documents received by ProPublica through public-records requests...

Meet the Hundreds of Officials Trump Has Quietly Installed Across the Government
A Trump campaign aide who argues that Democrats committed “ethnic cleansing” in a plot to “liquidate” the white working class.

Indeed. Quite horrible.
I still remember the shocking pictures of caucasian workers shot and dumped into hastily-dug mass graves, back in '08...
I've already gone ahead and switched to Opera which has a built in VPN, and added the HTTPS everywhere extension. I used the article Andy_T posted below to set it up.
I am going to use that article from Andy as well. I will have some time this weekend to set everything up. It didn't seem too complicated.
I am going to use that article from Andy as well. I will have some time this weekend to set everything up. It didn't seem too complicated.
It was very easy. You can change where you want it to show you are located too. I changed it to Canada and then couldn't get onto some local websites. I forgot I had changed it and couldn't figure out what was wrong. :p So if you play around with it like I did, don't forget to change it back to the correct country.
An interesting article here
Mar-a-Lago: The price of Trump's 'Winter White House' - BBC News
If the data is even remotely accurate, then it seems that questions of a President's salary only amount to a tiny fraction of the cost of his/her travel expenses.
Some interesting things in the article, like the fact that Trump has doubled the sign on fee from 100k to 200k since becoming President, and that he spends $3 million a weekend to Mar-a-Lago. That's amazing amount, I guess all the security people add a lot to that.
The carbon footprint of a weekend to Mar-a-Lago must be equally obscene.
Mar-a-Lago - Wikipedia
My cousin's husband, who had blocked me, must have decided my banishment is over because I got a notification that he updated his status, lol. Am I supposed to be grateful? I kind of want to go and block him, now, but my daughters are encouraging me to be the bigger person (when they go low, we go high). :)
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My cousin's husband, who had blocked me, must have decided my banishment is over because I got a notification that he updated his status, lol. Am I supposed to be grateful? I kind of want to go and block him, now but my daughters are encouraging me to be the bigger person (when they go low, we go high). :)
Personally, I wouldn't pay it any mind whatsoever. Don't even sweat it. You're as cool as the other side of the pillow, sweets. :cool:
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