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...Xinhua, the state news agency, on Saturday called the strike the act of a weakened politician who needed to flex his muscles. In an analysis, Xinhua also said Mr. Trump had ordered the strike to distance himself from Syria’s backers in Moscow, to overcome accusations that he was “pro-Russia...

...“I don’t deny that the United States is capable of such an attack against North Korea, but you need to see that North Korea is capable of striking back,” said Lu Chao, director of the Border Studies Institute at the Liaoning Academy of Social Sciences. “That would create chaos.”

If Syria had nuclear weapons, the United States would not dare attack it, said Shen Dingli, a professor of international relations at Fudan University in Shanghai. “Chemical weapons and nuclear weapons are totally different,” Mr. Shen said. “A chemical bomb kills dozens of people, and the atomic bomb at Hiroshima killed hundreds of thousands.”

Mr. Shen added that many Chinese were “thrilled” by the attack because it would probably result in the United States becoming further mired in the Middle East.

“If the United States gets trapped in Syria, how can Trump make America great again? As a result, China will be able to achieve its peaceful rise,” Mr. Shen said, using a term Beijing employs to characterize its growing power. “Even though we say we oppose the bombing, deep in our hearts we are happy...
After Xi Leaves U.S., Chinese Media Assail Strike on Syria
Take it very seriously, but remember: this is the kind of **** the US as an imperialist political entity has been doing basically since its inception. This isn't a problem Cheeto specifically has - he's just the exaggerated product of a war-loving culture that gives its leaders way too much power to just go in and **** around with really complicated situations.

By all means, call him out for this, make a fuss, get him impeached already. But make sure you react the same way when our next Democratic president ends up doing this (if the country/human race still exists at that point).
After doing a little research, they seem to be on the very crazy side (they're victims of Satanic ritual abuse, have risen from the dead multiple times, everyone against them is Satanic and part of the Illuminati) and are trying to scam people out of money, so I decided to delete the post. I don't doubt a lot of those things they predict are real, but they aren't anything most of us couldn't predict on our own.

Take it very seriously, but remember: this is the kind of **** the US as an imperialist political entity has been doing basically since its inception. This isn't a problem Cheeto specifically has - he's just the exaggerated product of a war-loving culture that gives its leaders way too much power to just go in and **** around with really complicated situations.

By all means, call him out for this, make a fuss, get him impeached already. But make sure you react the same way when our next Democratic president ends up doing this (if the country/human race still exists at that point).

We are trying to get him out. :(

I don't see a Democrat doing the things trump and the other extremists/terrorists are doing in the WH, but if it did happen, I would no longer be a Democrat, and I would work just as hard trying to get them out.

I am enjoying watching the people who voted for trump tear each other apart over the missiles. I noticed some of the ones I know who would defend everything he's done (or find alt-fact articles that claim he never did it to begin with), are confused as to what to do about this. :lol:
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After doing a little research, they seem to be on the very crazy side (they're victims of Satanic ritual abuse, have risen from the dead multiple times, everyone against them is Satanic and part of the Illuminati) and are trying to scam people out of money, so I decided to delete the post. I don't doubt a lot of those things they predict are real, but they aren't anything most of us couldn't predict on our own.

No idea what this is talking about but now I'm incredibly curious.

We are trying to get him out. :(

Mmhmm. I wish that the people who could really impeach him would get the process going already instead of waiting for a smoking gun. It's gonna take some time but I think everything with Russia is really gonna do him in, especially if he ends up pissing Russia off and they abandon support for him.

I don't see a Democrat doing the things trump and the other extremists/terrorists are doing in the WH, but if it did happen, I would no longer be a Democrat, and I would work just as hard trying to get them out.

I don't mean to blab without sources (and I don't have a ton of energy right now to find them) but the Democratic party is just as guilty of warmongering overseas as the Republican party. Even Obama, who is the most liberal president we've had in a very long time, is responsible for some pretty horrific atrocities overseas - the drone program is a key example, one of many. It's important to remember that our Democratic party is still a right-wing party, just not nearly as dramatically right-wing as the Republican party, which is borderline Fascist. If you compare our mainstream "left wing" party to those from many other countries, it becomes pretty clear we are dealing with two choices - a moderate conservative party with some liberal ideas, and a party made up almost totally of selfish, cowardly, borderline Fascistic monsters.

I am enjoying watching the people who voted for trump tear each other apart over the missiles. I noticed some of the ones I know who would defend everything he's done (or find alt-fact articles that claim he never did it to begin with), are confused as to what to do about this. :lol:

Yeah, watching them (as well as the White House... how much restructuring has there been lately? It's hard to keep track of) tear each other apart is pretty incredible, not gonna lie. Unfortunately, this situation is also awakening a lot of jingoism in otherwise moderate conservatives. Lots of preacher types and such who now find themselves with a ~newfound respect~ for Lord Dampnut because he dropped a bomb in a foreign country.
No idea what this is talking about but now I'm incredibly curious.
I thought when you said to believe everything, it was in response to another post where I mentioned a list of predictions by a couple of people who very accurately predicted the Syria attack. They claimed to have heard the discussion on attacking Syria way back in January, and then posted the exact date of the attack in the beginning of February. That gave them lots of credibility. They went on to post a lot of other things they claim to have heard being planned. A little research on them found the insane things are were saying and that they are trying to scam people that I mentioned in the other post and so I decided to delete the post. I can pm you the link to their post if you want to read it.

I don't mean to blab without sources (and I don't have a ton of energy right now to find them) but the Democratic party is just as guilty of warmongering overseas as the Republican party. Even Obama, who is the most liberal president we've had in a very long time, is responsible for some pretty horrific atrocities overseas - the drone program is a key example, one of many. It's important to remember that our Democratic party is still a right-wing party, just not nearly as dramatically right-wing as the Republican party, which is borderline Fascist. If you compare our mainstream "left wing" party to those from many other countries, it becomes pretty clear we are dealing with two choices - a moderate conservative party with some liberal ideas, and a party made up almost totally of selfish, cowardly, borderline Fascistic monsters.

I'd heard about the drone attacks. But, the stories all came from people who constantly posted about conspiracy theories, so I didn't take anything they said very seriously.
Neil Gorsuch sworn in as 113th Supreme Court justice

Well, they didn't waste any time shoving him onto the court, did they? When it was Obama's (perfectly legal) pick, they hemmed and hawed and dragged their feet and smugly proclaimed it wasn't the "right time" to confirm him, but the minute they got the rightwing creep they wanted, they pushed the process along so fast the speed would astonish Adolf Hitler. The hijacking of our democracy is now complete, and the repercussions will be felt for a very long time. I just hope the liberals and moderates on the court stay healthy for a while.
So, to everybody who was wondering what was the logical next step for the Trump administration, after allowing the hunting of hibernating bears and wolf cubs ... make Ivory legal again, of course... :mad:

H.R.226: African Elephant Conservation and Legal Ivory Possession Act

I don't think I need to dwell on the cynicism of calling this law the African Elephant "Conservation" act...
Every day there is just more madness from this administration, and it's hurtling along at breakneck speed. No one is thinking about the consequences and the aftermath of these decisions.
Firing Spicer won't matter, won't make a difference. The antisemitism comes from the top - Donald Trump and Steve Bannon. It's a cancer that they're spreading everywhere. The next press secretary will simply parrot the same antisemitic garbage as the last one, because that's intentional.
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